Wednesday, June 30, 2010

World Premiere Wednesday ~ Blackberry Bitches vs. the Drama Llama (featuring Stickman!)

You may or may not remember a little fundraiser we did at the beginning of June called DuckFest.  It was a little fundrasier we did in support of Daffy's nephew when her Big Sis passed away suddenly in May.  Well, not only did we raise almost $1200 for a scholarship fund, lots of people won some really cool prizes. 

One of the really cool prizes I won was a CUSTOM STICKMAN CARTOON made by Ed at Ed's Funny Pages!  When Ed asked me what I wanted, I was soooo excited.  You see, I have a small group of friends I call my BB Bishes.  Not too long before DuckFest, we were experiencing a whole lotta drama in Blognia.  At that time, I told the girls I wish I had mad animation skillz.  If I did, I would create my own comic where we were super heroes. (Brandee is a HUGE comic geek and was feeling me on this one.)  One of our adversaries would be the Drama Llama....  Fast forward to me winning Ed's giveaway and my dreams were realized.

So, here it is folks, the world premiere of Blackberry Bitches vs. the Drama Llama featuring Stickman!!!!


Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday Odds and Ends

I had an amazing FEX post prepared for yesterday and fotoflexer wasn't cooperating. *sad panda*  So, next Sunday FEX will be back - hopefully my collage will work - and Fave Cousin will be off my ass for awhile.

Friday brought the arrival of The Man's son from Colorado Springs.  He will be here for a month.  While The Man and I do not live together, his son will be spending the next month under my roof for a number of reasons.
  1.  The Man lives in a 3 bedroom townhome with 2 roommates.  The only place for his son to sleep there is on the couch.  Here, The Boy has bunk beds and the two of them can share a room.  (They are only 10 days apart in age AND they get along.)
  2. The Man works 13 - 14 hours a day, 6 days a week.  By staying here, his son will have someplace to be with adult supervision AND other kiddos to play with.
  3. I cook.  The Man goes out to eat.  Need I say more about that?
On Saturday, my beloved son returned from a week at Boy Scout camp.  It has been chaos here since.  Some highlights from his trip include kids from his troop being chased by a bear (they were camping in northern Wisconsin), a huge thunder storm resulting in a canoe 30 feet from his tent being struck by lightning, a woodtick embedded in his belly (EW!), and bringing home a urine filled canteen ("Mom! It was dark, it was raining, and there were BEARS!").  Needless to say, he is excited to go back next year.

Today, The Girl's BF and the BF's older sister spent the day here while their mom was at work.  The girls used to be our neighbors and moved near the end of the school year.  They informed me today that the relative they were living with (their mother was evicted from the home they were renting in my neighborhood) has kicked them out and they have been living in a hotel for the last month.  It breaks my heart that their mother is such an irresponsible pain and that they're no longer just down the street.  My home used to be their safe haven.  Their mom has tried repeatedly to use me as a free childcare for the girls already this summer.  I would love to help, but I can't afford to feed 5 kids every day.

I also found out over the weekend that I will be able to go to Chicago in August for a Memorial BBQ in honor of my Favorite Uncle.  He lost an ugly battle with Leukemia just over a year ago.  I'm super stoked to see Fave Cousin, her hubby, and their kids as well as my Favorite Aunt and a whole slew of other cousins and family members!  I don't get to see my family anywhere near enough.

Anywho, stay tuned this week for some exciting stuff!  I will be hosting my very first (real) giveaway this week!  Also, during DuckFest, I won a Stickman cartoon!  That will be debuting right here at Only Parent Chronicles THIS WEEK!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's a Treasure Hunt, Baby!

Has it really been since Sunday that I posted last?  Unreal!  Where does the time go?  I don't feel like I've been away from here for that long.

I have a new hobby.  I'm really kind of excited about it! 

Last spring, I heard about this neat activity called geocaching.  It's a really cool outdoor activity that involves GPS and a bit of scavenger hunting.  Sadly, last year I was unable to purchase a handheld GPS receiver and my interest in geocaching fell to the wayside.

Anybrokemama, last week while out picking up the last few things The Boy needed for his Boy Scout camping trip, I saw them.  There in the brightly lit case, were shiny, new handheld GPS receivers!  They were calling my name and I couldn't pass it up!  So, last Thursday, I became the proud new owner of a Garmin eTrex Venture HC. Image found on Google. My eTrex speaks English.

Although I haven't completely figured out how my fancy handheld location finder works, I have figured out how to load geocache coordinates and have successfully found my way to FOUR caches!!!  (What can I say, I have crazy mad skillz!) 

With summer finally in full swing, I am excited to get out of the house and get some more finds under my belt.  As I type, The Girl is laying next to me asking, "Can we go geocaching, mom?"  There are almost 300 geocaches within a 5 mile radius of my home alone!!! 

If you want more info on geocaching, or if you want to know if geocaching could be an activity for you and/or your family, check out! You can find me there, too!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Future Ex-Husbands ~ Action!

They just don't make the action hero the way they used to...

Just sayin'...

P.S. Here's the Throwing Mike a Bone link...

All images brought to you by our friends at Google Images...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I've Often Dreamed...

I sometimes imagine what it would be like to have a partner in parenting.  I don't just mean another parent that takes the kiddos for their scheduled visiting time 1 night a week, every other weekend, and 3 weeks in the summer (although, that would different, too).  I mean a partner. 

Envision this ~

You are a bartender.  You get home from work at 2:00 a.m. and instead of crawling into bed next to your significant other, there is a 9 year-old sprawled out across your bed.  The clean, folded laundry that was once perched neatly on the ottoman at the foot of the bed is now spread across your bedroom floor.  On the night stand to the right of the bed is an box full of hot wing bones.  The other night stand is home to a mostly empty cereal bowl and several half-full glasses of water and juice.  The TV is on and Nick at Nite is in full swing.  Unfortunately, the remote is nowhere to be found.  You put your pyjamas on and your body is screaming for your mattress, but first you pick up the garbage, retrieve your clothing from the floor, locate the remote, and turn off the TV.  It is now 3:00 a.m. You shove the 9 year-old over because you are far too tired to lug her little body back to her own room and fall into a fitfull sleep beside her.

In my imagination (you know, the one complete with a partner in parenting), I envision this ~

I am a bartender.  I get home from work at 2:00 a.m.  The house is not spotless, but it isn't trashed.  My loving partner had the children throw away their garbage and pick up after themselves before tucking them in to their OWN beds.  I come up the stairs and peek in on each of my sleeping children, kissing them tenderly on their heads.  I make my way to the bedroom, tripping over some cats and dogs along the way.  The TV is on and the man I love is sleeping peacefully - in the middle of the bed.  I get into my jammies, easily find the remote, still tightly gripped in my companion's hand.  It is now 2:15 a.m. I turn off the TV, shove the grown man over, and fall asleep spooned up next to him.

It may sound like a simple thing.  Far from unrealistic.  However, it is something I have never known.  I allow my mind to wander like this from time to time.  Not too far and not for too long.  I've found expectation is often paired with disappointment, so I'd hate to have my hopes up.  But just maybe...  Maybe someday a simple pleasure such as this doesn't have to live exclusively in my imagination.

Friday, June 18, 2010



I am so grateful that you took the time to stop by my blog.  One of my favorite things about blogging is the community I find within.  Since I began blogging, I have developed so many awesome friendships.

Because so many of the comments I receive are thoughtful and often inspiring, I really enjoy responding to them.  My dear friend,, I've tried so many times to personally email you and let you know how much your kind thoughts have meant to me.  Unfortunately, because of the way you have your account set up, my emails aren't getting to you.

Because I want so badly to reach you, here are some intructions on fixing the problem:
Copied from Erin at The Motherload, see her for other bloggy housekeeping...

Go to your Dashboard on Hit your edit profile, right next to your picture, avatar or whatever else you have showing. Scroll down to the line that says : Show my email address and CHECK THE BOX. Hit save.

For those of you who do not want a regular email address to show, go to Gmail, Yahoo or any other number of places and get a FREE, yes FREE, email account and set it up.

I look forward to the situation soon being remedied and replying personally to each and every comment you make from this point on.

With love,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Share a Spoon ~ Sumthin Fishy


Yes, I’ve been remiss, but I’m back on the bus…

It’s Thursday!  That means it’s time to Share a Spoon!  Hop on over to Think Tank Momma, link on up, and shop around for some good eats!

This week’s theme? FISH!!!

Before you start your grumbling, give it a shot.  This easy cod recipe is something I whipped up with The Girl on Monday night.  Honestly, she did most of the work (clean up, too).  I just took the pictures!

All you need is:

  • 1 cup seasoned stuffing, crushed (The Girl is a Stove Top junkie.  For realz.)
  • 1 Tablespoon minced fresh parsley (I minced, much to The Girl’s chagrin.  You can use dried, just use waaaaay less.)
  • 2 (6 ounce) cod fillets (really, use whatever size you like to feed your fam.  No one will tell.)
  • 1 Tablespoon reduced fat ranch salad dressing (We used a bit more. Minnesotans LURVE ranch.)
  • Spray butter

All you do is:

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. In a shallow bowl, combine the crushed croutons and parsley.
  3. Brush cod with ranch dressing and coat with crumb mixture.IMG_1964IMG_1963
  4. Spray with the butter spray (so it browns).IMG_1965
  5. Cover a cookie sheet with parchment and place cod fillets on top.
  6. Bake uncovered for 10 – 15 

We served ours with some steamed broccoli and a lemon wedge.  No need for tartar sauce here, girls and boys!  This was delish!


P.S. I found this recipe on All Recipes.  If you haven’t ever looked there for new things to try, you should.  It’s awesome!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday; Como Zoo Conservatory, St. Paul

Blackberry Pics 053

Blackberry Pics 057

Blackberry Pics 062

Blackberry Pics 093

Blackberry Pics 068

Monday, June 14, 2010

Loose Ends

I'm gonna be honest with you.  I haven't been around a whole lot since DuckFest.  I don't have any reasons or excuses.  The monsters got out of school last Tuesday and we have been trying to settle in to summer.

For those of you that participated in DuckFest, THANK YOU!  Thank you so very much!  In all, we raised $1186.  100% of that money is in a bank account for JD's future.  As an only parent, I know I worry plenty about what to do for my kids when graduation day comes. (I know plenty of married parents that worry, too.) I just hope that the kindness of all of the strangers that rallied around Daffy's family during this time gives JD and his Daddy some hope for a happy future.  I know that it really warmed Daffy's heart.


You may remember just over a month or so ago I made a commitment to get my life, my body, and my house all back on track.  I am happy to report, as of this moment, my living room and my daughter's room (minus the closet) are clean!  Can I get an AMEN! Hahaha...

While I have fallen off of the Flylady wagon, it was mostly intentional.  I decided there were some rooms that needed some extra-special attention before I had rugrats in the house 24-7.  The baby-steps, while great for building habits, weren't meeting my immediate needs.  I do plan to start implementing the routines on FlyLady soon, buuuuuut, I have a couple more rooms that need some TLC first.


In other news, you might also remember a post I had written back in May, talking about me wanting a dog...  Guess what!?!?!?!?  We have a new family member!!  Everyone, welcome Natty!

Playing with her ball AND holding her lion.

Smiling for the camera.

Natty is a 2 year-old, black Great Dane!  We adopted her from The Upper Midwest Great Dane Rescue over Memorial Weekend.  The kids and I are already smitten and feel like we have won the doggy lottery.  She is soooo awesome!  She is adjusting well and will be going for her 1st vet visit next week!

I already have a favorite Natty story.  She LOVES riding in the car.  The other day, The Girl and I were leaving to have lunch with The Man.  As we were walking out to the garage, Natty slipped by and went and stood at the back of my SUV, like she was going to go with.  I could not get her back in the house to save my life, sooooo...  I put her in the back of my SUV, took her for a short ride around the neighborhood, came home, and she went right inside! Hahaha, can you believe that?  What a turkey.


Anywho, now that the kiddos and I are settling in to a summer routine, I hope to be seeing you every other day, at least!  If you can't find me here, I am also contributing at Lose It Bitches and Keeper of the Cheerios.  Also, don't forget about my Blog Frog community! That place is currently a virtual ghost town!  Head on over, start some discussions, give it some life! 

Happy summer to all!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Super Future Ex-Husbands

These yummy treats have or will soon grace the silver screen as super yummy advocates of justice.  (Almost makes you wanna be a bad girl…)

hugh-jackman Hugh Jackman as…
Chris Evans as…
The Human Torch
RDJ as…
Iron Man
the object of my affection,
the most beautiful man in Hollywood (in my humble opinion) ~
Ryan Reynolds as…
The Green Lantern.
Here’s the greatest female super hero ever, guys!  An old school Throwing Mike a Bone link.

All images found via Google Images

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Future Ex-Husbands ~ Old School


I was watching Operation Petticoat with my daughter on Memorial Day.  It is such a great movie and it reminded me of when I was my daughter’s age and would go visit my grandpa and grandma in Indiana.  My grandpa had an amazing movie collection.  It was during those times with him, I developed my love for old films.

In addition to loving the films, I also learned to love the leading men of the era.  Today’s FEX is a tribute to a few of the yummiest actors from the 1950’s. james-dean-1

James Dean only made 3 movies.  It is astounding the impact this man had on the movie industry with so few feature films under his belt.


He was also a predominant feature on my walls for a very long time.


Cary Grant ALWAYS reminds me of my grandpa.  His films were our favorite to watch together.  From Operation Petticoat and Father Goose in my youth, to North By Northwest and Indiscreet in my teen years, we always found a Cary Grant film to enjoy together.



Tony Curtis was another 1950’s hottie.  It seems he always played the playboy in his films.  My favorite was Some Like It Hot with Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe.


I’m not entirely sure this woman’s era, but click here for the Throwing Mike a Bone feature – Rita Hayworth,


Images found via Google Images

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Letter to JD and His Daddy

Dear JD and Dad,

You don't know me.  We have never met.  We probably never will. 

I am an only parent.  I am mom to The Boy and The Girl.  They lost their daddy nearly 10 years ago.  Neither of them have any memories of their dad, and pictures of them together are few.  They only know the memories that I share.

JD, I know it is hard at your age to understand where your mommy went.  I'm sure you don't really get why she can't come back.  It is important for you to know that even though she isn't dressing you in the morning, giving you kisses throughout the day, and tucking you in at night, she is only a conversation away.  Mommies never really leave their babies.  Even though you can't see her or hear her, she will always be right by your side.

As you grow, your daddy will have tons of stories for you about your mama.  (Dad, write things down as you remember.  I find even the littlest things are important to my kids.)  Your aunties and grandparents will have a lot to share, too. 

As you grow up, it will be easy to get angry.  I'm sure you will wonder why God had to take your mama.  If you're anything like my son, you may even find a time when you doubt God is really there.  He is.  He took your mama because He loves her, and He loves you.  While I will never understand the things He does, I know that he has carried me a long way over the years and is always taking care.

Dad, I know it seems scary, raising JD without your bride.  It is a lot of work, I'm not going to lie.  My heart often breaks for my fatherless children.  I get sad that they have never known a father's love.  All I can say is keep Wendy's spirit alive through JD.  By sharing with him the love you and Wendy shared, she will always be a part of both of you.

I know the money we are raising for JD's Scholarship Fund is no replacement for your wife.  I just really hope that you can feel the love of all of these strangers, lifting you and your little man up.  The road ahead of you is a bumpy one and I promise, it is filled with tears.  Just know that you are not alone in spirit.  I wish you the peace you need to make it through each day.

That One Mom


If you haven't heard about Duck Fest, click here.


Please visit the different giveaways below and enter.  Each entry costs a $1 donation to the JD Scholarship Fund.

Thank you for making a difference in this little boy's future.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Choo Want? I Know What I Want!


Just in case you've been hiding under a rock somewhere at the bottom of the big, blue sea (a la Patrick Star), imma let you in on a little secret.  Duck Fest starts tomorrow!  I hope you've been hopping around and checking out all of the great giveaways!  I know that I have been making my own list of things I must have as I get everyone set up!

One thing that has really caught my eye is the Get Your Green On Gift Pack donated by Erin at The Motherload and hosted by Stephanie at The Blue Zoo.

Another neat item I'm hoping to snatch up is the Digital and Paper Scrapbook Kit from Jessica at Life With Coco and Hopo.  I'm not much of a scrapbook person, but if I can do it digitally!!!  Woah Nelly!

There are so many other cool things and each entry for any of the giveaways is ONLY $1!  Every dollar donated goes directly to the JD Scholarship Fund!  Just click the donate button below or on any of the giveaways, enter the amount you'd like to give into PayPal, leave identifying information in the comments (i.e. email address or blog URL), and start commenting!  It is very important that you leave one comment for each entry!

Be sure to check out all of the other great giveaways, too!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2 More Days Until DUCK FEST!!!


I hope your excitement is building!  I know mine is! 

Thursday is the start of Duck Fest!  I am so amazed by the out pouring of love for Daffy's nephew JD!  Below is the complete list of giveaways!  It's growing daily so be sure to keep checking back and make your plans for where you want to use your $1 donations!

Not quite sure what Duck Fest is?  Lemme help you out!

What is Duck Fest?
Duck Fest is a blog party fundraising event to raise money for the JD Scholarship Fund. It runs June 3 - 8 right here in the blogosphere!

How does Duck Fest work?
Duck Fest is a raffle, so for every dollar donated, you get 1 entry.
Every $1 donation = 1 entry = 1 comment to enter on ANY of the blog giveaways.

How do I enter?
At each giveaway, you will find a button that looks like this:

This button leads to a secure PayPal account that was set up exclusively for the JD Scholarship Fund.  Click on the donate button on that giveaway and donate money for entries. Each entry is $1.00. If you donate $10.00 you have 10 entries to spend however you want. Please make sure you include individually identifiable information in the COMMENTS section on the Paypal site AND in your comment/entry here on the blog. This will make it easier for us to verify your donation. For example, when you purchase your entries, leave your name and email in the comments, i.e. "That One Mom thatonemom dot onlyparentchronicles at gmail dot com" and then when you leave your entry, include the same info! You can enter as MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE, so please go to town! More entries = greater chance to win.

What if I would just like to donate money and not worry about prizes?

That is perfectly fine! Just click on the donate button in the side bar. All donations go directly to the JD Scholarship Fund!

Want to participate?
If you would like to participate by hosting a giveaway OR is you have something you'd like to donate but don't have the form to host your own giveaway, please email That One Mom at OR Tamara at

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