One of the really cool prizes I won was a CUSTOM STICKMAN CARTOON made by Ed at Ed's Funny Pages! When Ed asked me what I wanted, I was soooo excited. You see, I have a small group of friends I call my BB Bishes. Not too long before DuckFest, we were experiencing a whole lotta drama in Blognia. At that time, I told the girls I wish I had mad animation skillz. If I did, I would create my own comic where we were super heroes. (Brandee is a HUGE comic geek and was feeling me on this one.) One of our adversaries would be the Drama Llama.... Fast forward to me winning Ed's giveaway and my dreams were realized.
So, here it is folks, the world premiere of Blackberry Bitches vs. the Drama Llama featuring Stickman!!!!

OH MY GOD you guys are evil!!!!! I absolutely LOVE it!!! And I can even figure out who a few of the stick figures are!!! So so so funny!
Evil, yet so damn necessary, I imagine :) The Drama Llama is like the most wretched villian on the face of the planet, meh thinks!
Congrats on winning this and way to go on the $$ that was raised for Daffy's nephew <3
So funny. I brought my daughter over to have her watch with me, ehem, but knew that the end would probably be not-child-friendly. It's OK, I told her Stickman was tickling the llama. ;)
It's hilarious!!!
Oh. Em. Gee.
I figured a few of the BB gals out. I am IM'ing my girl to figure out the rest of them.
This is toooooo much! LOVE IT!
Glad you liked it. I totally forgot the super hero part. DANG IT!
Congrats on winning. And thanks for helping out little JD.
Uh..ED...UM...someone from PETA just called me (I'm on their speed dial because I love animals - steamd, bar-b-q'ed, roasted, grilled, etc)and they wanted your phone number. I told them it was 1-800-EAT-SHIT. But I advise you go into hiding for killing the Drama Llama.
What a bunch of Bishes!! *hiccup*
That Stickman is a funny man! FUNNY MAN!
I must be really out off the loop. Geesh, I have no idea!
Very funny, but I imagine even more to those with the inside scoop!
I LOVED IT! And to think I can actually pick people out of a stickman line up and know who they are. Round of applause.
hahaha!! it just gets better every time...i seriously love it!!
Oh! how many times have I watched this?!? Just so y'all know, I'm the one with the pink phone and the and Adrienzgirl gots da bootays! *snort*
OMG. I am DYING over here. Ed's best work ever. I would like a list of who's who. I can figure out a few. Makes me wish I had a blackberry.....
HOw many times I've tried to get this comment to post! I think the Drama Llama is preventing me from doing it!
What a Biotch!
The hiccup! OMG!
I want a stick figure of my ass midget.
Ed is a sick-o.. and I love it
Oh K! I just so LOVE this cartoon!! And my abs and gun of course. Makes me feel all bad ass! LOL
OMG!!! You so totally have to text me today so I can ask you if you're talking about who I think you are (I know I'm so totally out of the loop!!!)! Cause if you are, you're my new hero!! Haha~!~
Hey you should check out my newest's my brain! Anyone want a brain? I'll throw in some wieners and a teenager!! Anyone?
Ed is a crack up!
Juney is my favoritest BB Bish character!! Cracks me up every time!!
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