Anystupidcar, yesterday afternoon, after a short visit with my super old gramma and lunch with my monsters and mom, I went to Baby Brother's house. The monsters and I spent a few hours with Baby Brother, his wife Wonder Woman, and their four awesome boys! My nephews are so much fun and I was so excited to play with them.
Today I spent the day with my "favorite" cousin, her three babies, my aunt, and my wanna be rockstar cousin. It has been such an amazing day!
As I sit here at the kitchen table in my dad's house, watching the thunderstorm brewing outside, I hear my kids laughing and enjoying time with their grandparents. I am blessed. I am happy.
Oo. I love thunderstorms! And that picture you posted is amazing. Where did you find it? Did you take it?
Anyway. What a fun blog! Just stopping by on Erin's recommendation.
So glad you are having a good time and counting your blessings K.
Sounds like you're having a great time! Where is your road trip taking you?
So agree with you that family rocks. And it is hard when they are not in the same place as you.
Family does rock and is so important for our kids to be around!
I'm so happy you were able to enjoy some good family time- it really does wonders for your soul.
So glad to hear you having a complete blast. Enjoy the weekend!
Happy is a great way to be! Enjoy!
I'm happy to see that you're enjoying yourself. Though we have issues with our families from time to time, I still need to remind myself to count my blessings. Have a great weekend!
You so deserve this happy time! Enjoy Chiiicago
Enjoy. It's worth pulling the kids out of school fo special things like that.
You deserve to have a good time love! So happy for you boo! Have a safe trip home!!
This is what makes family family. So happy you're having such a good time.
So glad you got to spend time with the family! But even more glad that you are coming to spend time with ME! Can't wait!
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