Friday, November 12, 2010

Gevalia Takes the Guessing Out of Gifting

It never fails, every year there is someone on my Christmas list that I struggle with. It's rarely the same person, but the problem never changes. What can I possibly buy them that they will use and enjoy? I certainly don't be the one to give the gift that gets regifted!

Fortunately, this year Gevalia has taken the guessing out of gifting! Through the wonder of Facebook, Gevalia has created an application that looks through your friends' profiles and selects gift packs that match their interests! How cool is that?!?!

The Gevalia Gift Matcher application can be used on anyone in your friends list! For example, let's say I couldn't decide what to get Miss Lucinda this year. I just click on the Gevalia Gift Matcher application, select Miss Lucinda, and voila! The Gevalia Gift Matcher application recommends the European Classics Coffee Basket.  Easy Peasy! Then, lets's say I also needed a gift for Fave Cousin! I select the option to get a gift matched for another Facebook friend and TADA!!! Fave Cousin matches with the Gevalia Dark Roast Blend Set.  But it gets better! If I choose to order these gifts through the Gevalia Gift Matcher application, I get 10% off of my purchase and orders over $50 get FREE shipping and handling! How cool is that!?!?

Would you like a chance to win one of the fabulous Gevalia Gift Matcher gift packs? Well today is your lucky day! To one lucky Only Parent Chronicles reader, Gevalia has offered the Springform Bake Set (ARV $34.95). This gift pack contains a 5 piece Springform set (3 non-stick pans, stainless steel whisk, and silicone oven mitt), 2 boxes of Gevalia Royal Vinter, and 2 boxes of Gevalia Royal Vinter Spice.
To enter you must be a resident of the U.S.A.
The giveaway will run Friday, November 12 - Friday, November 26 at 11:59 pm CST.

Mandatory entry:
Visit the Gevalia Gift Matcher application,
then come back and tell us what gift the gift matcher recommends for you!

For additional entries:
~"Like" Only Parent Chronicles on Facebook
~"Like" Gevalia on Facebook
~Follow Only Parent Chronicles on Twitter
~Follow Gevalia on Twitter
~Follow Only Parent Chronicles via GFC
~Join the Only Parent Chronicles community on Blog Frog
~Join a discussion in the Only Parent Chronicles Blog Frog community

Please leave a separate comment for each entry!
 If your email is not visible in your profile, you must leave it with your comment.

Authors were not compensated inanyway for this review/giveaway.


Stormy said...

It recommended a feel good spa set for me

stormyranew at yahoo dot com

Stormy said...

I follow only parent via GFC

Anonymous said...

European Classics Coffee Basket

Michelle said...

My perfect gift is the European Classics Coffee Basket

Michelle said...

I like Only Parent Chronicles on fb as michelle levine

peg42 said...

It recommended the Tassimo Premium Brewer
Thanks so much.

peg42 said...

I "Like" Gevalia on Facebook (Margaret E. Smith)

peg42 said...

Follow Gevalia on Twitter (peg42)

peg42 said...

I'm a GFC follower (rickpeggysmith)

Unknown said...

chocolate gift basket--yummy , thanks for the opp

Unknown said...

follow parent on twitter kendra22007

Unknown said...

follow gevalia on twitter kendra22007

Michelle said...

I like Gevalia on fb as michelle levine

Losing Brownies said...

What a neat application! I wish every store had that!

Michelle said...

Following That_One_Mom on twitter as blackbearpie

Michelle said...

following Gevalia on twitter as blackbearpie

Michelle said...

I am following you on gfc

EmmaPeel said...

Here's what it told me - Gevalia Recommends: Chocolate Coffee Basket


EmmaPeel said...

I Like Only Parent Chronicles on Facebook

EmmaPeel said...

I Like Gevalia on Facebook

EmmaPeel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
EmmaPeel said...

I Follow Gevalia on Twitter

EmmaPeel said...

I Follow Only Parent Chronicles on Twitter
id Emma__Peel

EmmaPeel said...

I follow Only Parent Chronicles via GFC
id Emma Peel

Suburban prep said...

For me it was the Chocolate Coffee Basket

GreislerCorbett said...

Chocolate Coffee Basket

melsywsou said...

The eGevalia GC

Anonymous said...

Awesome! It matched me with the Chocolate Coffee Gift Basket! :) Thanks!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog.

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I like you on Facebook (Amber H)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I like Gevalia on Facebook (Amber H)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter (lipstickncandy)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow Gevalia on Twitter (lipstickncandy)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Carol said...

It recommended the Travel Mug and Signature Blend Gift Set

PAIGE said...

the gift matcher recommends the Feel Good Spa for me. The gift matcher is so right.

Anonymous said...

It recommended the Chocolate Coffee Basket.

Anonymous said...

i "Like" Only Parent Chronicles on FB

Anonymous said...

I "Like" Gevalia Coffee on FB

Anonymous said...

I follow Gevalia on twitter as suebaby05

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter as suebaby05

Anonymous said...

Follower via GFC-suebabe0704

llinda29 said...

Tassimo Premium Brewer
$129.95 More Info

llinda29 said...

I gfc

Babes Mami said...

It recommended Kenya Coffee to me!
smartinez03 at live dot com

Babes Mami said...

I like you on facebook

Babes Mami said...

I follow you on twitter as babesrockinmami!

clc408 said...

The Chocolate Coffee Basket was recommended to me.

clc408 said...

Like you on fb (Cynthia Conley)

clc408 said...

Like Gevalia on fb (Cynthia Conley)

clc408 said...

Joined at Blog Frog

julis55 said...

Gevalia Recommends: Chocolate Coffee Basket

wildcat32 said...

It's the Chocolate Coffee Basket for me.

monster6236 at gmail dot com

sksweeps said...

Gevalia Recommends: Chocolate Coffee Basket for me

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

McKim said...

Gevalia Classics Gift Basket

Anonymous said...

Gevalia Recommends: Chocolate Coffee Basket.

hebert024 at aol dot com

magic5905 said...

Tassimo Premium Brewer. Thanks.

magic5905 said...

I like you on facebook. Thanks.

magic5905 said...

I like Gevalia on facebook. Thanks.

magic5905 said...

I follow you on twitter. harvester5905

magic5905 said...

I follow Gevalia on twitter. harvester5905

littlelatina said...

excellent prize im in

mogrill said...

It recommended the Chocolate Gift Basket.Thanks for the chance.

Jessica said...

It recommended the Chocolate Coffee Basket
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I like Only Parent Chronicles on facebook (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I like Gevalia on facebook (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow Only Parent Chronicles on twitter (@jjak2003)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow Only Parent Chronicles publicly through google friend connect
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jean said...

I was matched with the Chocolate Coffee Basket

Jean said...

I follow Gevalia on fb.
Jean Fischer

Jean said...

I follow with gfc.

sweetsue said...

I was recommended the Tassimo Premium Brewer for myself.
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said...

I follow Gevalia on twitter as ptowngirl.
smchester at gmail dot com

Heather said...

The European Classics Coffee Basket.

rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com

Andrea said...

They must know me ... Chocolate Coffee Basket


Andrea said...

I follow you on Twitter. :>

Andrea said...

I follow Gevalia on Twitter, too!

Andrea said...

I'm your stalker thru GFC. :)

amp said...

European Classics Coffee Basket was what was recommended for me-works for me!

Anonymous said...

It recommended the Gevalia Classics gift basket. Sounds about right, I LOVE Gevalia coffee, and tend to like classic flavors best!

Faither said...

the Chocolate Coffee Basket

Emmy Coffee said...

It recommended the Tassimo Premium Brewer which sure would be awesome in my office!

Emmy Coffee said...

I like Gevalia on facebook (@emmy coffee)

Emmy Coffee said...

I like OPC on facebook (@emmy coffee)

Emmy Coffee said...

I'm a google follower

calvad said...

It recommended the Chocolate Coffee Basket.

Kimberly said...

It recommended the European Classics Coffee Basket.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I follow with GFC
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I follow Gevalia on twitter @Aerated.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

They suggested the Tassimo Premium Brewer for me.

Unknown said...

I like Gevalia Coffee on fb Jammie M

Shanna said...

Ceylon Cinnamon Orange Tea

Shanna said...

"LIKE" your blog on Fbook
MommyofOne Shanna

Shanna said...

"LIKE" Gevalia on Fbook as
MommyofOne Shanna

Shanna said...

Follow you on Twitter

Shanna said...

Follow Gevalia on Twitter

Shanna said...

I follow via GFC

Unknown said...

It recommended the Just for Me Tea gift set. =)

Sedmina Ministries said...

It recommended the Gevalia Classics Gift Basket for me

terri142 said...

The Gevalia gift matcher recommended the Connoisseurs Coffee Basket for me.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said...

I "Like" Only Parent Chronicles on Facebook.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said...

I "Like" Gevalia on Facebook.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said...

I follow you on twitter.(terri142)

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said...

I Follow Gevalia on Twitter.(terri142)

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said...

I Follow Only Parent Chronicles with google friend connect.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

alice said...

I said the Chocolate Coffee basket for me too. Yummy!

intime said...

European Classics Coffee Basket

rah267 said...

It said Gevalia Recommends:
Chocolate Coffee Basket

Ellie Wright said...

It said Kenya Coffee for me.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I follow you on FB (Ellie Wright)
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

"Liked" Gevalia on Facebook (Ellie Wright)
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

Following Gevalia on Twitter @eswright18
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I follow via GFC (ellie)
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Hotsnotty2 said...

They recommend European Classics Coffee Basket, thanks!

Unknown said...

It recommended the Chocolate Coffee Basket.


Unknown said...

GFc follower


Bobbi said...

Chocolate Coffee Basket.Wow these are my two favorite things!

sue14625 said...

Chocolate Coffee Basket how did it know 2 of my favorite things

Anonymous said...

The gift matcher recommended for me the Seasonal Coffee Gift Basket.

Aisling said...

The Gift Matcher considers me to be mysterious and recommends the European Classics Coffee Basket.

Aisling said...

I follow Only Parent Chronicles via GFC.

Rhonda Clemens said...

European Classics Coffee Basket is what got suggest, which sounds yummy & soothing!

Rhonda Clemens said...

"Like" Gevalia on Facebook
Rhonda W-C

Rhonda Clemens said...

Follower Gevalia on Twitter!

Anonymous said...

The gift matcher recommended Royal Vinter Spice Coffee for me.

Anonymous said...

I "Like" Only Parent Chronicles on Facebook
Debra Ford

Anonymous said...

I "Like" Gevalia on Facebook
Debra Ford

Anonymous said...

Following Only Parent Chronicles on Twitter

Anonymous said...

Following Gevalia on Twitter

Anonymous said...

Following Only Parent Chronicles via GFC

Becky said...


You're from Delaware, the First State, and no TOUR of this state is complete without visiting the Messick Agricultural Museum in Harrington, which features another American first--the first tractor John Deere ever made. Gear up for this gift: 12 month Gourmet Coffee Tour Plus Free Gift said...

Recommended European Classics Coffee Basket
Diane Baum

Unknown said...

Unique Boutique Tea Set

Unknown said...

Like you Sherry Conrad

Unknown said...

Like Gevalia Sherry Conrad

Unknown said...

Twitter Gevalia dddiva

Unknown said...


carolpie said...

Chocolate Coffee Basket. Whoo! It knows me!
This is fantastic! I would love to win and bake something with my granddaughter with this!
spencer1953 at gmail dot com-carol.

carolpie said...

Follow Only Parent Chronicles on Twitter-dresdenrain.

carolpie said...

Follow Gevalia on Twitter-dresdenrain

carolpie said...

Follow Only Parent Chronicles via GFC-carol lewis

carolpie said...

Joined the Only Parent Chronicles community on Blog Frog-carol yerby lewis
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

carolpie said...

~"Like" Gevalia on Facebook-carol yerby lewis

carolpie said...

~"Like" Only Parent Chronicles on Facebook-carol yerby lewis

Anonymous said...

It suggested the Kenya Coffee for a friend of mine. :D

THANKS! tripsma at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Chocolate gift basket (perfect match!)

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...a Chocolate Coffee Basket was suggested.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Brian E. said...

Follow Only Parent Chronicles on Twitter: @brianpiero

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Brian E. said...

GFC Follower: Brian E.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Pamela S said...

It recommended the chocolate coffee basket for me (makes sense!!) Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com

Pamela S said...

Follower GFC
Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com

ShesAnAngel said...

I checked out the Gift Matcher but it said it was overwhelmed and recommends the 12 month Gourmet Coffee Tour, Featuring Kenya Coffee...

ShesAnAngel said...

I like you on facebook

justine pierson

ShesAnAngel said...

I like Gevalia on facebook

justine pierson

ShesAnAngel said...

I am following you via twitter


ShesAnAngel said...

I am following Gevalia via twitter


ShesAnAngel said...

I'm following you via gfc


barblong said...

They recommended the Chocolate Coffee Basket for me.

Anonymous said...

It recommended the Chocolate Coffee Gift Basket for me.

mail4rosey said...

Kenva Coffee was the recommendation.

mail4rosey said...

I follow Gevalia on Twitter (mail4rosey).

Jinxy and Me said...

It recommends the European Classics Coffee Basket

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following your blog in Google Friend Connect.

cman said...

Gevalia Recommends: Chocolate Coffee Basket.

cman said...

I'm a GFC Follower.

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