Thursday, December 30, 2010

Share a Spoon - Yes, I'm Polish. So What?

It's Thursday and Momma B called me out publicly on Twitter for
not having linked to this week's Share a Spoon.

This week's theme is New Year's,
so I thought I'd share with you a recipe
that has been in my family longer
than I can remember and has
always been a great party treat.

I bring you
Polish Mistakes (mis-tock-ees)

Being the only entertaining I am doing is for my son's 12th bday tonight, I found an image via Google.

What you need:
1 pound ground beef
1 pound spicy Italian sausage (I use Jimmy Dean)
1 teaspoon dried minced onion
1 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 pound Velveeta
1 1/2 Tablespoons Worchestershire sauce
package of cocktail rye

What you do:
Brown your ground meats and drain the grease.
Mix in onion, garlic powder, cubed Velveeta, and Worchestershire until smooth.
Spread onto cocktail rye and place on a cookie sheet.
Place cookie sheet into preheated broiler and broil until the spread is just browned.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What to Do With Kids Over Winter Break

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!

To make your own stickies,
click HERE.

Then come on back and link up below!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Reaching Your Happy Place

It's the time of year when people begin to get all reflective and start to make their resolutions for the next year. While I do enjoy reflection, I am not one to make resolutions. To me, resolutions are stated intents with no system to measure progress. What's to point in trying to change something if you can't measure your progress?

Last night, while my daughter laid in bed next to me watching Zombieland, I had a long, deep conversation with my dear friend Alicia. A lot of what we talked about had to do with finding happiness while staying true to yourself and true to your God.  While I try to keep this space secular, to know me is to know that I am a Christian. Many years ago, following the death of my husband, I welcomed Christ into my life and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior.  Although I fall short, I wake each day with the intent to live His will and make choices to glorify Him.

For those that do not hold my beliefs, please, don't feel alienated and close this page. That is all I have to say about Him. What I am getting at is really less about faith and more about happiness. More about that little voice in the back of your head that tells you whether or not you are on the right track.

Via Google images

So often we make choices that in the here and now seem like great ideas. Like a night on the town with libations flowing freely. Then, the next day, we wake up feeling like a pile of poo thinking, "Why on Earth did I drink so much?" It made us happy at the time, but really, long term, it contributed nothing to our overall happiness.

I'm not saying, "Quit drinking." That's an absurd thought, in my opinion. What I am saying is, how often do we really evaluate our overall happiness? Not how we're feeling right at that moment, but overall? How often do we consider all of our options? How often do we look at the options and really consider necessary steps to achieving the seemingly unattainable goal?

I know that I personally have aspired to things that have quickly fallen to the wayside because of doubt and fear that clouded my way. I'm here to tell you that I refuse to be a product of my fear. Going forward, I refuse to be a product of my self doubt. While I am not here to make a list of changes I'd like to see in me, I will say that 2011 will see me embracing my challenges and facing my fears. 2011 will see me not being defined by the things I don't think I can do, but working to acheive the things that bring me overall happiness.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Legoland Was A Success

I was honestly quite apprehensive venturing to the Streets of Woodfield 2 days before Christmas.
The Man's son is a Lego Maniac. (Cue the old Lego Maniac song from my childhood). Visiting Legoland is a dream come true for him, so we were more than happy to take him.

Most of my family lives in the Chicago area, so we were thrilled that my SIL and nephews could join us.
We honestly didn't think 3 adults and 8 kids ranging 12 - 3 months was going to be anything short of a clusterfuck, so we prepared ourselves for the worst.
Surprisingly, it went VERY smoothly. Everyone had a great time!
We divided and conquered and by 3:00, everyone was cashed.

Post Legoland, we joined Fave Cousin and her family at my Aunt's house for Taco Night.

Spending this time with my family this week has really gotten me into the Christmas spirit. I miss my family dearly and am so grateful to be able to see my parents, siblings, cousins, and their kids this Christmas.

I hope everyone is having an awesom Christmas Eve day and will see you all after Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Went to Navy Pier at Christmastime and Didn't Kill My Family

Travelling with your family at any time of year can prove challenging.

This year, for Christmas, The Man and I decided to travel to Chicago and visit my family for the holidays.

At 11:30 on Wednesday morning, we embarked on a seemily simple adventure downtown Chicago to enjoy the sights and sounds of the Windy City at Christmas.
It never ceases to amaze me how even the best laid plans can go awry.
While logistically sound, our trip into the city was less than a fun and happy family adventure.
I recommend taking the opportunity to visit the Winter Wonderfest at Navy Pier if it were to arrive.
I don't suggest bringing 3 ungrateful preteens.

The train ride in was filled with excitement. The Man's son had never been on a train and my children's memories of train rides weren't too clear. The kids marvelled out the windows for the majority of the hour long commute. Once arriving to Union Station, they were filled with the anticipation of the cab ride across town.

Out the windows of the racing cab, they saw the Chicago River, the El, and other famous Chicago landmarks they recognized from The Blues Brothers. (Yes, I let my kids watch The Blues Brothers, don't judge me.) Upon arriving at Navy Pier, my children were baffeled that the cold and icy channel by the pier was the same channel Grandpa has taken them into in his boat this past summer.

After walking 7000 miles down the pier to the event center, we were ready to take in all Winter Wonderfest had to offer. There were hundreds of beautifully decorated Christmas trees, models and explanations of Christmas traditions around the world, an ice skating rink, and rides galore.

So what could possibly go wrong?

The fighting started in line for the very first ride.
The ride sat three per seat and apparently our children find it impossible to amicably decide who would sit where.
Our solution?
No ride.

We took the kids out of line and made each of them sit in short timeouts until they could agree not to argue with one another. Once they agreed to get along, we tried again. Ultimately, every ride we went to, one of the kids had a complaint.

"It's to babyish."
"The line is too long."
"That looks dumb."
"I'm hungry."

You name it, we heard it.
Needless to say, $75 and three ungrateful children later, The Man and I had had our fill.

Before heading back to the 'burbs for the day, we made a pit stop at Harry Carey's for some grub and beer. (Root beer for the kids, geez! What kind of mother do you think I am!?!)

While the night never really got any better, I can thankfully say the kids went to bed relatively early and I got a bit of quiet time before I hit the sack.

I hope you're all enjoying your winter break.
Wish me luck today as we brave the Streets of Woodfield and
Legoland Discovery Center.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Post-It Note Tuesday ~ The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!

To make your own stickies,
click HERE.

Then come on back and link up below!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Getting All of My Ducks in A Row

I mentioned last week that I was mentally preparing myself for winter break.

Well, I have had one kid home all day today. He has been helping me get laundry washed and folded so we can all begin packing our bags to head out to Chicago for the holiday.

Tomorrow around noon, we will be pulling The Girl out of school, getting the truck loaded up, and heading to the airport to wait for the arrival of The Man's son. Then we're off!
God and weather willing, we will check in to our hotel sometime around 9 pm and get nestled in for a
Big Fat Family Christmas.

In order for this all to go smoothly and according to plan, I need to get my but in gear.
The dog sitter comes tomorrow afternoon. So in addition to having to get laundry washed for myself and my kiddos, I must vacuum, clean the bathroom and kitchen, wash the floors, and have the house entertaining condition. I would hate for the dog sitter to see how messy we are!

I promise to be back in the morning for Post-It Note Tuesday!
I will also be tweeting my way through the drive!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Future Ex-Husbands - Gift Wrapped Ryan

You may have heard by now, but it was anounced early last week that
Ryan Reynolds and his wife Scarlett Johanssen are calling it quits.

I'm not one that follows tabloids and watches things like Entertainment Tonight, but it was hard to miss when my twitterverse started blowing up with tweets about my love being back on the market!

Being I have THE greatest friends in the whole entire world,
the tweets proclaiming Ryan and I being perfect for one another were in abundance.
My darling friend @QuesoBonito even had this to say:
MERRY CHRISTMAS LADIES.....Ryan Reynolds is SINGLE!!! I'm gonna stick a bow on him and put him under @That_One_Mom 's tree.... #hohohos

Needless to say, a gift wrapped Ryan sounds so very appealing...


That, my friends, would be a true Christmas miracle.

All photos were located via Google images and gift wrapped for me by Momma B.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Break Already? Say It Ain't So!

Ahh, Friday.... So often we hear rejoicing voices for this beloved day of the week. I, on the other hand, have been dreading this particular Friday for weeks.

 Today is the 1st day of winter break for one of my children.

 It marks the beginning of the end of 2010.

Only four days until The Man's son arrives from Colorado Springs.

Just 1 1/2 left of school for The Girl.

Less that 2 weeks until The Boy, my first born, turns 12.


With Christmas just a week away, I am filled with anticipation. I am so excited to travel to Chicago and visit my beloved family. I am not at all looking forward to a long, potential snowy drive with three preadolescent children.

I am giddy with excitement to meet my newest nephew who was born in October. I'm not so sure I am ready for our three kids and my brother's older four kids to be unleashed, together, in one place - indoors...

I am looking forward to seeing Fave Cousin, but I am sad that after a very short visit I will have to say good-bye to her and her rugrats. I wish they were closer. I wish our visits weren't so short. I wish the time between them was shorter.

I had hoped to have a birthday party for The Boy over break. I'm not so sure he followed up on his end of the deal by securing his friends' phone numbers. He started a new school this year, but hasn't spent any time out of school with his new friends. I'd like to see some of them at his party and get to know them.

I am praying The Girl will behave herself over break. Things between us have been tenuous at best and I am not currently her biggest fan. Her bad attitude and lack of respect for the rest of us have left her at the top of all of our Shit Lists recently and I would hate to spend the holiday fighting with her.

I also hope The Man and his son have some time to reconnect while he is here. The Man works so much and while his son was here over the summer, I don't feel like they had much "guy time". While all of the stuff we have planned during his visit is family stuff, I hope the two of them can find some common ground to build on.

What are your hopes for the holidays? Are you looking forward to the last couple of weeks of 2010? Or are you secretly dreading winter break? Do you have any family traditions that don't necessarily revolve around Christmas? Have you made any New Year's Eve plans?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Share a Spoon ~ Christmas Cookies

Happy Thursday! It's time to Share a Spoon with Think Tank Momma.

This week's theme is Christmas cookies!
So pick out your annual favorites and share them with Blognia
by linking up!

While there are many cookies that remind me of Christmas,
the Chocolate Crinkle Cookie is the first
Christmas cookie I made that wasn't part of my mother's traditions
once I bought my own house.

The recipe is from a cookbook I was given when I got married and it is one of my favorite cookies to make!

What you need:
1/2 cup vegetable oil
4 oz unsweetened baking chocolate, melted, cooled
2 cups granulated sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
4 eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup powdered sugar

What you do:

Part 1
 In large bowl, mix oil, chocolate, granulated sugar and vanilla.
Stir in eggs, one at a time.
 Stir in flour, baking powder and salt.
Cover; refrigerate at least 3 hours.

Part 2
Heat oven to 350°F.
Line cookie sheet with parchment or Sil-Pat.
Drop dough by teaspoonfuls into powdered sugar; roll around to coat and shape into balls.
 Place about 2 inches apart on cookie sheets.
Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until almost no imprint remains when touched lightly in center.
 Immediately remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks.

Be sure not to over bake!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Would You Do If It Happened To You?

Last week I received an email from my friend Steph at Babe's Rockin' Mami about a tragedy that struck a friend of her family's.  The email told a story about a young mama in her 20's that was on her way to pick up her 18 month old baby from daycare to find upon arriving that her precious angel had been struck by a car and killed.

I am no stranger to losing loved ones. At 18, I buried my best friend, at 23, my husband. I cannot fathom the loss of a child! When my husband passed, he did not have life insurance. The lack of insurance and the unexpected nature of his death left me without the funds to give him a burial or service.  At almost 12 and 10, I don't have life insurance on my children. I'm fairly certain most of us don't. I can't for a second figure out where I would come up with the money for proper arrangements if such a tragedy were to strike one of my children.

Steph is in the process of arranging an auction to raise money for her family friend to help with the cost of making final arrangements for her precious baby boy. While money won't help the gaping hole in her heart, it will help relieve some of the financial stess that comes along with this unexpected tragedy.

Below, Steph writes how you can help...

This is of course the busiest time of the year but it's also the giving season, the time where we make sure to think of others before ourselves. A family is grieving the loss of their son in a horrific accident. Read more here and here. Most of us can't even imagine the pain this family is experiencing not to mention the financial strain. It's my Christmas wish to be able to help this family, who are also friends of mine, to help take away something on their minds at a time that's focused on famil and love and happiness.

I am still trying hard to get some products donated as incentive to donate. I know that a child's death is sad and isn't like a baby with a disease or curing something but it's still just as important. If your son or daughter was killed in an accident what would you do? Every dollar you donate will be one entry into the drawing for prizes. I will get an email with your info and the amount you've donated and will email you back to confirm and give you your drawing numbers. When the auction ends, tentatively on the 15th of January, possibly the 31st, I will go through and each item with them numbers to pick a winner. I hope to have more details on the auction in the next few days as more sponors get back in touch, between the weekend and weather people are taking longer to get back in touch. Decide to give up your morning coffee to Riley for a day and you give $5 to a deserving family and get five entries to win some cool stuff!

The donations we have to auction off right now are:
$10 Gift Card to Bath & Body Works
$25 Gift Code to Steph's Rockin Bakery$50 Gift Code to

You can also help by SPREADING THE WORD! I have been surprised that not many people have taken an interest but I'm hoping that it's just because the weekend was busy and you've been busy shopping. I know my readers would do anything they could to help!

Babe and Riley were just a month apart, Sandra and I shared pregnancy stories, ultrasounds, fears and firsts. It always seemed like if one boy was doing something the other was right behind him or had been doing it. Both boys loving, sweet, funny little boys whoe changed both of us for the better. I see so much of me in her as a mother. The rest of her firsts with Riley are gone now and as a mother and a friend of Sandra I want to do everything I can to help and I know that you will too. Our blog family can help this family with this burden so that they have one less thing to worry about in the recovery from the death of Riley. Feel free to email me any questions that you may have!

The Rockin' Bakery will be donating 25% off it's profits to The Riley Memorial! We can't do much but we can organize this raffle, donation drive and donate the profits to it.

If you write a post for The Riley Memorial please link it up at this link so that when Sandra is feeling low she can see all the love that we are sending her and her family!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Post-It Note Tuesday ~ Top 10 Things You Learn Being Snowed In

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!

To make your own stickies,
click HERE.

Then come on back and link up below!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Future Ex- Husbands ~ Snow Day

In case you didn't hear, Saturday brought a crazy blizzard to Minnesota.
With snow falling 1 - 1 1/2  inches an hour and visibility being white out conditions, I was home bound.
No work. No shopping. No getting out of the house.

So while 21" of snow accumulated out my front door, I curled up in bed and watched countless episodes of Beverly Hills 90210 on Soap Net.

Yes. I know it's Monday and I know Future Ex-Husbands usually runs on Sunday...
I was side tracked.

But today I bring you a Future Ex-Husbands post inspired by my snow day tv extravaganza!

The men of 90210.
Then and now!

All images found via Google images.
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