Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Post-It Note Tuesday ~ Top 10 Things You Learn Being Snowed In

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!

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Unknown said...

our dog still won't go outside to go to the bathroom. Dad snowblowed the back patio and made her a walkway but all she does is walk around and come right back.

That was a crazy storm!! and I totally get the Fireplace thing!! I know how to fix it, Just sleep downstairs. lol thats what I did :)

Kimberly said...

We got hit really bad too! Now the temperature has dipped to -26 with windchill...Burr. But that's Canada for ya. I so wish that the liquor store delivered ;)

June said...

Liquor stores delivering?? That is a BRILLIANT idea!!!
Time to start your own business.

Di said...

My dog won't even go outside in the cold. I had to push him out the door yesterday and he hightailed it back inside and hopped back in bed!

BigSis said...

Liquor stores should deliver! The one pizza place around here that delivers beer gets more business because of it.

Go Mommy said...

Could you imagine if liquor stores delivered! It would be great, anytime a party ran out of alchohol you could just call and there it is brought to YOU! LOVE IT!!!

Evonne said...

#5 is so true!

I used to have a wiener dog that hated every kind of weather. It was so much fun trying to get him outside in the winter

TornadoTwos said...

This list is awesome! We haven't been snowed in here yet, but it's only a matter of time.

Tayarra said...

So far not snowed in, but it brings back memories from last year!! My dog has decided he doesn't like the cold so he is doing his business in the garage. Thank God I kicked him out into the garage before he ruined ALL of my carpet! I'm new at joining in this week!

heavenisabookstore said...

ONG this list reminds me that the news has been covering crazy snow conditions in the NE and it is only a matter of time before it hits us. But my list today is also about cold weather. ZOIKS! I love #8, and I did all my major shopping online this year, so I totally agree with #7. And #1 is like sending a kid to their room nowadays - too many things to occupy them.

Natalie said...

I'm with you on the online shopping one for sure!

And snowed in? I'm in So Cal and it was almost 85 degrees yesterday...so weird.

Shell said...

I somehow commented on the wrong post. I have issues.

Johnnie said...

Thanks for hosting this. It is cathartic! I am with you on the dog/snow issue. Geez.

Saved By Love Creations

E said...

Great list!!

Pamela Gold said...

AMEN! On every post it, AMEN!

Danielle said...

Those are all so very true! Specially #3!

Cori said...

Haha how true!!! Hope the snow stops soon!!

purejoy said...

pure brilliance on the list. alcohol delivery. you = genius!!
we got snowed in this week too… don't laugh… with 1.5"
gotta love tennessee. today (day two) it's 19° (at 1pm) and that is keeping the roads frozen. snow would be one thing… but around here there's always ice involved.
but i'm not amused. this town doesn't have snow/winter until january. what.the.heck??

adrienzgirl said...

My Chis won't even go outside down here when it's wet. I'd never find them in the snow!

Babes Mami said...

I kept hoping to get snowed in here but the snow stayed on the other side of the mountain!

Kat said...

Oh my God doesn't it get cold upstairs? I do that all the darned time! I have my fake fireplace going (live in an apartment) along with the blower heaters in the floor in the living room. Then I go upstairs to go to the bathroom, and my butt about gets frostbit from the seat! And online shopping IS a great way to shop from home, I'll give it that!

Frugal Vicki said...

First of all, I am loving those hotties below! Secondly, I love being snowed in every once in awhile!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Oh goodness dog + High Snow just gives me a funny picture :). Why is it the more channels you have the less there is to watch ;)

Katina said...

I agree, being stuck in all day does NOT mean you will be more productive!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Loved reading this. You had me laughing. Thanks for hosting each week.

Liz said...

I was saying, "Yes! Yes! YES!" as I was scrolling down.

To add to the dog pooping in the snow one...how about when their poop is steaming as it leaves them because it's so freakin cold in the air and then sinks down below snow level, into it's own poop hole.


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