Thursday, September 30, 2010

Share a Spoon ~ Pastalicious

Happy Thursday!  It's time once again to Share A Spoon with Momma B!

This week's theme is PASTA!
I know everyone has a fave pasta dish to share!  So type it up and link it up!  I wanna know what you're eating!

P.S. I know Momma B is hoping for some non-Italiano type pasta recipes, so if you have a killer stroganoff, kugel, spaetzel, or yakisoba type recipe, I beg of you -

I don't happen to have any non-Italian pasta recipes, so I'm gonna share with you my monsters' kids' favorite:

Baked Mostaccoli

What you need:
1 box mostaccoli noodles
1 pound hot Italian sausage (I like Jimmy Dean)
1 pound ground turkey (or beef)
salt (I use kosher)
2 jars spaghetti sauce (I like Classico)
2 pounds mozzarella cheese

What you do:
Cook noodles according to directions on the box.
Preheat oven to 325.
Brown off Italian sausage and ground turkey.  Drain grease and season to taste.
Combine noodles, meat, and sauce.
Pour mixture into 9x13 baking dish and cover with cheese.
Baked until cheese is all melty and bubbly, browning on the edges!

Let set for a few minutes once you remove it from oven so it is easily cut and served.  We top it with fresh grated parmesan.  Serve with your favorite Italian accompaniments.

Yes, I made this on Tuesday.  No, I didn't take pictures. Deal!

Twitter Gala - TONIGHT!!!

It's a PARTY!

Help us celebrate a month of friendship!

Join us TONIGHT from 8:00 - 9:30pm CST for the
Friends You Love Twitter Gala!

Brought to you by our sponsor
Eden Fantasys!

Learn who won the month long
World's Greatest BFF Contest!

Have a chance to win one of 10 AWESOME
Eden Fantasys prizes!

RSVP and be entered in a random drawing for Eden Fantasys Gift Codes!


Follow your hosts

on Twitter.

Also follow special guest

Get a customized Twitter Gala TweetGrid HERE!

And RSVP below!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Did It! I Poured My Heart Out!

I feel a little bit stuck.

There are a lot of thoughts busying themselves in my head.  While I can talk the ear off a deaf man, I am having a difficult time finessing the English language into text. 

When I started this blog just over a year ago, the intent was to share the things that happen in my life that cause me to shake my head and look for the film crew.  I intended to chronicle my daily struggle with being mom and woman, not allowing the prior to define the latter.

I look back through my archives and I realize there is so much that has been left unsaid.  Unsaid because I can't find the words.  Unsaid because I'm not sure that this is the place for it.  My intention wasn't to write day in and day out about the amazingness of my spawn.  While they are quite remarkable and very unique, my completely biased perception of them can only be handled by others in doses.  I wrote a bit about dating then met a man that could quite possibly become a permanent addition to this family of three.  I have told you pieces of my struggle with my daughter's ADHD and ODD, but not to the point that those unfamiliar with the disorders can comprehend the havoc it wreaks on me and my son.  But that is her story and I don't want for her to look back one day and tell me it wasn't mine to tell.

So where do I go from here?  What parts of my story should I tell? Where do I see this adventure taking me?  I don't feel like I've said all I want to say.  I'm excited about the relationships I've built by having this blog and I look forward to creating more.  There are so many things I feel strongly about and I see this blog as a platform to bring these issues and passions to the attention of my readers.  I may not fit into a particular niche, so I guess I will create my own...  The "True to Myself" niche.  I will do my best to write about things that are true to me.  They may not always be passionate, they may not always be noble, but they will always be 100% me.

Announcements PINT Style!

Only Parent Chronicles

It's time for Post-It Note Tuesday!

Click HERE to make your own and link up to #PINT below!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Friends You Love Blog Hop - Week 4


This month is about building friendships and making our existing friendships stronger...We challenge you to dig into your "followers" list and find one follower you don't know well (not a loyal commenting person) and reach out to them and ask them to do a guest post on YOUR blog. Then, come back and link up with your guest post and have your new friend (guest poster) link up as well!

This week's featured blogger is Beth at Anti-Supermom!


I once wrote a post about friendship, specifically the loss of a friend, but not in the sense of she's no longer with us (because I'm pretty sure she's still being her sassy self in some suburb near here) but the loss of her friendship.

(If you are like me, you *won't* click on my link and only pretend that you clicked on it and that you know what everyone else is talking about in the comments, so I'll save you the click). Here's what I wrote:

She was probably too cool for me anyway.

She is from Quebec so she speaks French at home, yelling at her children in French “Ne me touche pas!” (don't touch); she is an artist, she had her own little studio in the sort of gangster area of Minneapolis and she does cool things like getting a little black tattoo on the back of her neck for her 30th birthday.

Two years ago, I counted on her. She had two children, she had gone down that sibling road already and yes, she was a lot of fun. When I would call her, she'd invite me over but always as an afterthought, like 'yeah, I'm having so-and-so over already, you should come too'. For two years it was always me calling her, not once did she pick up the phone. So last year, I decided to not call her, not put myself out there and wait to see how long it would take for her to call me.

It was 11 months.

She called me last month. I returned her message after stewing about whether to call or not for a week.

I cried, a lot, because I really don't have many friends. I told her how I felt, how friendship is about reciprocation. She told me excuses; I've been traveling, I've been sick, my life is so busy. I told her that we should try to start fresh. She told me she was upset, she would call me 'this weekend'.

She hasn't called me back yet, it's been more than a month.

You learn a lot just having a blog, about yourself that is. I remember writing this post and feeling sad, almost heartbroken that this had happened to me.

But here I am now, nearly two year after writing this post, telling myself that it doesn't matter. The truth is, I'm a better person for having her in my life. I'm a better friend for knowing her and (once) having her friendship.

I might even say I'm a better blogger for having this experience. In the years that I've blogged; I've changed who I've read, who I can call bloggy friends and who I would like to meet IRL. People do indeed change, I'm not subject to avoiding this, at all.

In the same hand, I've learned that people are going to stop reading my blog, stop following me and take my little blog off their radar completely. I have to be OK with that. I *am* OK with that.

(even if it stings a little).

Yes, the saying better to have loved and loss than to never have loved at all seems to be equally fitting.

Friends Forever... maybe not, but having friendships in length (or not) is worthy of saying something: thank you.


And a big thank you to That One Mom for allowing me to guest post. You can find me over at Anti-Supermom where I tend to be way more snarky and post lots of disgusting things my kids do.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Future Ex-Husbands - Mmmm, Talk to Me...

I really don't think this man needs any introduction.

The sound of his voice alone makes me giddy.

And he's pretty easy on the eyes....


Too bad these pictures don't talk.

Images via Google Images

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Share A Spoon - It's A Chicken Kinda Day

Psssst... It's Thursday! Get your butts over to the Think Tank and link up with Momma B!

This week's Share A Spoon theme is

Don't think I'll believe for a second that you don't have a favorite chicken recipe! Write it out, post it, and LINK!!! It's so easy! Even I can do it!


This recipe is adapted from something I saw on 5 Ingredient Fix - a Food Network show...

Lime Chicken Tacos

What you need:
1 whole chicken
1 lime
Kosher salt
Black pepper
Can o' corn
Can o' black beans
1/4 head red cabbage
Handful o' cilantro
2 Roma tomatoes
Cayenne Pepper
White corn tortillas

What to do:
Preheat oven to 400.  Zest your lime and put the lime zest on the chicken BETWEEN the meat and skin.  Cut lime in half and squeeze juice from both sides over the chicken. Stuff lime halves into chicken cavity. Generously sprinkle salt, pepper, and cumin over chicken.
Cook chicken until it reaches 165 degrees...

While that is cooking, shred your cabbage and chop your tomatoes and cilantro.  Rinse your rinse and drain corn and black beans.  Mix all of that together. Sprinkle with Cayenne and mix well.

When chicken is done, let cool a bit then remove the meat and shred it.

Warm the tortillas following the instuctions on the package and build your taco! I served mine with a bit of cheese and sour cream and a slice of lime!

Sorry the pics stink.  I took them with the Crackberryosaurus.  At least I have some this week!

Join Us For A Gala

As September comes to a close, we want to thank everyone who made the Friends You Love event such a success.  What a better way to say "Thank you!" than by throwing a party?!?!

Please join us
Thursday, September 30
from 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. CST
for the
Friends You Love Twitter Gala
sponsored by

To participate follow
as well as special guest

On the day of the party, we will provide you with a custom tweet grid to follow along!

RSVP in advance and be entered into a random drawing!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not Yet Back to Regularly Scheduled Programming

If you're new to Only Parent Chronicles,
 (or have taken up residence under a rock in the last 4 weeks)
you'll have noticed that the majority of what has been posted here for the month of September has been focused toward the Friends You Love event in celebration of International Women's Friendship Month.

One would hope that during this time, I have been taking notes and collected a bajillion ideas for blog post once the event is over. Those people need to get to know me better. Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth.  Yes, I have had moments where I've said to myself. "Hey!  I should write about that!" But as soon as that thought crosses my mind, I am distracted (Ooooh, shiny!) and neglect to take any notes.

I can say that September has been a great month of growth for me, personally and professionally. I've discovered that I am 2 pants sizes larger than I was this summer. Through the planning process of the Friends You Love event, I have developed some invaluable networking skills.  I have made some new friendships and have grown closer to some women I already liked a lot.  I am truly floored by the number of connections I have made thru taking over Post-It Note Tuesday.  There are so many amazing blogs out there that I never even heard of!  I am so thankful for the opportunity to meet all of these new people.

In the spirit of meeting new people, I will be the featured guest for Gevalia's Bean Chat on Thursday. (Yes, that's tomorrow!)  The chat takes place from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. EST on Twitter! Bean Chat is a weekly moderated chat show.  It features different bloggers each week and discusses topics ranging from career, to family, to fashion and beauty.  Please join me on Thursday morning for my hour in the spotlight!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More Post-It Note Fun!

That One Mom

Welcome back to Only Parent Chronicles for your weekly
Post-It Note fix!

To make your own and play along, click HERE.

If you wanna know more about this "new chick" pulling the #PINT wagon,
click HERE!

Thanks for stopping by!  You can link your sticky ramblings below!
I hope to see you around!
(You know, more than just on Tuesdays... *wink, wink*)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Friends You Love Blog Hop - Week 3


This month is about building friendships and making our existing friendships stronger...We challenge you to dig into your "followers" list and find one follower you don't know well (not a loyal commenting person) and reach out to them and ask them to do a guest post on YOUR blog. Then, come back and link up with your guest post and have your new friend (guest poster) link up as well!

This week's featured post is from Mariah at Manic Mariah!



Paprika is a code word I have for many of my close friends. If I text Paprika to my friends they know I am having a shitty day and I need them to show up in my alley for a chin wag (gossip session) and a glass of wine.

I don’t know a thing about SEO, applications for mobile devices or plug-ins for Facebook, Outlook or any other old look. I admit that freely. I don’t even know how to check my email for viruses and only recently did I learn what spam was. I’m not very savvy when it comes to technology. I also admit that.

What I do know is how to be a friend.

According to Websters:

noun a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.

Let’s cut the crap shall we? We all know that a true friend will destroy our period panties when we die and they call us on our bullshit, a real friend teaches us constantly and sometimes the best of friends are total bitches.

I’m lucky; I have lived in the same neighborhood since I was five and still retain many of my friendships with women that I met in elementary school. Our bound is tight; our words are honest and if I smell or I need to get back into the gym they’re surely going to tell me. They’re also the women that I can complain to when I have masturbated 25 times and still can’t reach on orgasm because my hands are just too cold to make my vaginal walls contract in ecstasy. My friends come up with simple solutions: “Mariah, get in the shower and try.” Half an hour later and I am a changed woman… thanks to my friends. Of course I would do the same for them because my comfort zone and my unconditional love for them is tighter than my skinny jeans (which my teenage son wishes I didn’t wear).

Recently I have ventured into the wonder that is Internet Friendships. It baffles me, it intrigues me and it constantly keeps me on my toes. I have only met a handful of people from the Internet in real life, and while I wouldn’t necessarily tell them if they smelled, (which they didn’t by the way) I did feel our Internet connection spill out into real life. Those Internet Friendships can and DO turn into Real Life Friendships where you can and DO call each other on your bullshit, and you chat on the phone and when you finally meet in person you want to hug them for hours on end… and maybe you want to lick their ears out of love.

I think having the constant interaction on Twitter, Blogs, Email and Facebook sometimes gives people a false sense of friendship yet at the same time it creates a community and that community breaks down into cliques and in those cliques honest friendships evolve.

It’s fascinating.

In the end it doesn’t matter where you met your friends, it could have been at the grocery store, the gym, or (oh gasp!) the Internet. Or maybe your best friend is someone from your youth. The important part is that you have someone to talk you off the ledge of life; someone that will pick you up when you fall and wipe the drool from your chin. Most importantly your friends cheer you up when an orgasm seems unreachable and they pat you on the back when you achieve success. And that pat? It doesn’t matter if it’s a virtual pat from someone many states away or if it’s from your neighbor next door. The important part is that you pat them back.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Future Ex-Husbands - Ahhh, NOW I Get It!

Happy Sunday!

It's time, once again, to share with you my Future Ex-Husbands List.
If you're new to Only Parent Chronicles, click HERE to learn about
The List.
You can also click HERE to see who has graced the pages of #FEX previously.

So, Fave Cousin frequently sends me text messages detailing who she would like to see featured an an #FEX.  I have asked her on more than one occasion to do a guest post, but she is adamant that she is not a blogger and is 100% placated just texting me and waiting for her dream guys to show up here.

Anydemandingcousin, Friday night I received a text asking if Jake Gyllenhaal had ever been featured.  As I can't think of a single role of his that has make me contemplate keeping him for my own, I told her no.  Then I started searching Google Images to see what all the buzz was about. And I learned...

Yeah.... I want one.

Images found via Google Images.

Friends You Love - SCAVENGER HUNT!

Come one come all and be our friend,
Friends You Love's Scavenger Hunt will soon begin.
Our tweets will point you in the right direction,
Follow each clue to the correct location.
Our posts will help you find your way,
Read each one carefully throughout the day.
Fabulous prizes are what we have instore.
For the lady who shows she can endure.
So tell your friends to come and play,
 It's time for Friends You Love's Scavenger Hunt Giveaway!

This final full week in September brings you the final full event we have planned.  This week, we are sending you on a scavenger hunt!

Please follow along with @FriendsYouLove and the other Friends You Love hosts via Twitter. Beginning Monday, September 20, we will be leaving clues via Twitter, leading you around the interwebs for the answers.  There will be 20 clues.  On Friday, September 24, come back to Friends You Love to submit your answers.  The first FIVE players to submit the correct answers will win prizes from our generous sponsors!

Our sponsors for this exciting event include:

Lisa Leonard, PeaceLoveMom, The Turkish Towel Company, Sheer Beauty, Scentsy Consultant Bradi Redmon, Paper Planet Etsy Shop, PurseHangers, Hapari, and EdenFantasys!

(Hint: All clues will have the hashtag #FriendsYouLove)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Out of the Norm

I don't usually post twice in one day, and I don't usually do tagged questionaires. However, I happen to have tonight off, my kids happen to be outside tearing up the neighborhood, and The Man happens to be MIA due to college football, so....

One of my newer followers, Beemii, happens to be a newer blogger and she participates weekly in Post-It Note Tuesday, so I thought I would oblige her by answering her 8 Questions in the meme she tagged me in...

1.What is the one thing you complain about constantly?
The constant state of disarray in which I find my house.
2. What do you love about being a Mom?
I love watching my kids be successful at something, I love to hear them laugh, I love when they get along, I love when they snuggle with me, and I love when they're not causing me to be frustrated.
3. Do you have any animals? How many?
I have 5 animals.
I have 3 cats - Toby, Fat Louie, and Sasha.
I have a 3-legged dingo... Actually, she's an Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler cross.  Her name is Neesa.
AND, I have by beloved Great Dane, Natty.
4. Where are you from?
I was raised in a suburb of Minneapolis.  I currently live in another Minneapolis suburb.
5. Favorite Movie of all time?
I always say that my all-time favorite movie is Wayne's World, because it it AMAZING...
But really, I love Love Actually and Secondhand Lions the most!
6. Favorite Book of all time?
My all time favorite book is The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
7. What do you not like about being a mom?
This is a toughie.  While I wouldn't trade my monsters for anything, I am often really overwhelmed by them.  It has been just me and them for almost 10 years.  Between their sibling rivalry and The Girl's special needs, I often long for a bit of time to myself.  There is something to be said for peeing in peace, showering without interruption, and not waking in the middle of the night with a knee in my back.
8. Favorite Song of all time?
Tupelo Honey by Van Morrison
Greatest. Song. Ever.
I want to thank Beemii for thinking of me.  I encourage you to hop over and check her out.
I am not going to tag 8 people in this post, but I am going to ask that if you have an extra minute or two, you click HERE and answer a quick demographic survey I have put together to learn more about YOU!

Another Great Giveaway - $50 CSN Gift Code!

With all of the madness surrounding the Friends You Love event, I had to move my "office" down to my dining room table.  It was either hog 2/3 of my table or not leave my room for the month...  I think I chose the lesser of two evils...  So family meal time is a bit cramped, but the alternative was piling the fam into my bed to eat for the month...

As one of the hosts of Friends You Love, I have been very fortunate to be able to provide a number of opportunities for readers to win some super cool prizes.  Today is no exception. Thanks to my friends at CSN Stores, I am offering the chance to win a $50 gift code to any of the 200+ CSN store vendors!

To be eligible, you must live in the U.S. or Canada.

To enter, visit CSN Stores and leave me a comment telling me how you'd like to spend your $50.

You can earn additional entries the following ways:

Follow Only Parent Chronicles via Google Friend Connect (1 extra entry)


Subscribe to the RSS feed (1 extra entry)

Like Only Parent Chronicles on Facebook (1 extra entry)

Follow That_One_Mom on Twitter (1 extra entry)

Join my Blog Frog Community (1 extra entry)

Follow CSN Stores on Twitter (1 extra entry)

Start a discussion in my Blog Frog Community (2 extra entries)

Follow Friends You Love on GFC (1 extra entry)

Please make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry! Contest will end at 9:59 pm CST on Saturday, September 25, 2010. If you don't have an email address attached to your profile, please be sure to include it in your comment, or I will have to pick someone else. Winner will be selected via and notified via email! Lots o' love and good luck!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Easy Lunchboxes - Review and Giveaway

Have you ever gone to pack a lunch for yourself or you kids, gotten the meal ready, reached into the cupboard and been out of baggies for your sandwich or snacks?  Then, after finding a collection of small plastic containers to use in place of the baggies, you face yet another challenge determining what on Earth you are going to use to carry ALL of those containers that day?  This scenario has played out in my kitchen on more occasions than I can count.  Each time I am faced by a disgruntled child and the age old argument of how it is "uncool" to be juggling so much stuff...  Then I heard about Easy LunchBoxes...

The Easy LunchBox system pairs food-safe reusable lunch containers with roomy cooler bags.  The hard plastic, 3-compartment containers are lead, vinyl, and BPA free.  Both dishwasher and microwave safe, they are quick, easy, and reusable!  The containers come four in a set and nest together for easy storage.  There is one large compartment, sufficiently sized of a sandwich or a main dish of your choice, and two smaller sized compartments for side items.  My kids like to fill them cut apples, grapes, or crackers.

The Easy LunchBox system also offers an insulated coller bag in 5 different colors!  They measure 9"x6.5"x6.5".  They are the perfect size to carry up to two Easy LunchBox containers and a drink or ice pack OR 1 container, a drink, and a larger side item like a single serving bag of chips or a yogurt! They are sturdy, machine washable, and have a long carrying strap that make it easy to manage, even if you have other things to carry, like a backpack!

Easy LunchBox containers come 4 to a pack and only run $13.95.  The insulated lunch bags run $7.95 each.  Along with being provided a set of my own, Easy LunchBoxes is offering up a set to one lucky Only Parent Chronicles reader, OR you can order you own HERE! This giveaway is offered to US & Canadian residents only. Please do not enter this giveaway if have won or received free product from EasyLunchboxes within the past 3 months.

To enter: Visit Easy LunchBoxes, then in the comments, share with me one neat fact you learned about the product!

For additional entries:
This giveaway begins 9/17/10 and will close on 9/24/10 at 5:00 pm CST.  Please leave a comment for each entry along with a valid email address.  Winner will be chosen randomly and notified via email.  Due to popular demand, Easy LunchBoxes container sets are currently back ordered until October.  Winner's product will be shipped once product is is stock.

All images courtesy of Easy LunchBoxes.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Share a Spoon - It's a Cookie Swap!

It's Thursday!  You know what that means!

Head on over to the Think Tank and link on up!

This week, it's a COOKIE SWAP!


If you're anything like me, gift giving seasons put a strain on the pocket book.  It seems that finding an affordable gift that has any value can be very difficult.
I have so many people I have to buy for every holiday,
and quite frankly, it gets frustrating.
One way to give a gift of value with a small price tag is to make your own.  I like to give cookie mix jars!

Today, I am sharing

Butterscotch Chip Cookies!

What you need:
32 ounce wide mouth canning jar
1 1/8 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 cup flaked coconut
1 cup high protein crisp rice and wheat cereal
1/4 cup butterscotch chips
1/2 cup chopped pecans

What you do:
Layer all of the ingredients into the wide mouth canning jar in the order listed.
Pack each layer down FIRMLY!
(It will be a tight fit, but it WILL fit.)
You can decorate the jar by securing a 9" circle of fabric over the lid.
You can secure the fabric with a rubber band and cover the elastic with ribbon or raffia.
Attach a card to the ribbon or raffia with these baking instructions...

Baking Instructions:
Empty jar of cookie mix into a large mixing bowl. Add 1/2 cup of butter or margarine, 1 egg, and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla. Use hands to mix the wet and dry ingredients together. When completely blended, roll into large walnut sized balls. Place on unprepared cookie sheets and use the palm of your hand to flatten each cookie ball. Bake at 350 in a preheated oven for 8-10 minutes.

(This also makes a great teacher gift!)

Photo from Google images...  It's been a busy month. Don't judge me. Hahaha!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy Blogoversary!!! It's A *Twitter* Party!

Happy Blogoversary. Happy Blogoversary. Happy Blogoversary. Haaaaaaappy Blogoversary!

In case you missed the memo, Only Parent Chronicles turns 1 today!

Can you believe it! 1!  I have been making friends in Blognia for

To celebrate we are having a

When: Tonight!
8:00 - 9:30 pm CST

Where: Get your custom Tweet Grid

Follow your hosts
and Special Guest


RSVP below! One RSVP'd guest will be selected randomly to win a
$25 gift code from our incredibly generous sponsor

P.S. If you'd like to see how it all started, click HERE...


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Post-It Note Tuesday ~ Tomorrow I Turn 1!

That One Mom

Welcome back to Only Parent Chronicles for Post-It Note Tuesday!  I hope you're getting used to #PINT's new home! If it is your first time here, you can learn more about me HERE!

Thanks for swinging by!  You can link up at the bottom! Make your own Post-Its HERE!
 Have a GREAT week!

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