Sunday, October 24, 2010

Future Ex-Husbands - Flashbacks

This week's Future Ex-Husbands feature is brough to you by Mimi at Woven by Words.
I had the awesome opportunity to meet Mimi IRL this summer during a Minnesota Blogger event we both worked! She's sweet, she's funny, and she's got some great taste in men!
Check it out!

Do you ever think back to high school and all the actors you knew that if you met them they’d make you theirs?

Yah, well, I was pretty tame in real life, but apparently I had quite the fascination with Hollywood actors because I pictured myself married to each of these men one day:

Ralph Macchio from The Outsiders and The Karate Kid.
Judd Nelson from The Breakfast Club.
I probably watched this movie every day after school for a year!

Then there’s Christian Slater who was in Heathers so he started out as a bad boy!

Now most of you ladies Robert Downey Jr now, but I loved him back in
 Less Than Zero and The Pickup Artist.

Apparently I have a thing for rugged bad boys. Works for me.


Unknown said...

I will take one of each of the above please

Anonymous said...

*sigh* to all of them.

adrienzgirl said...

The bottom two were definitely going to marry me!

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

OK, these are old school, like old as me school. I like.

Andrea said...

Oh, what flashbacks. :) Love them!

Anonymous said...

oh i loved all of them but my biggest obsession was Corey Feldman!

Unknown said...

All of my childhood favorites. But Downey is still good. rawr. And what happened to Judd Nelson? Maybe the long hair and attitude overshadowed the giant nostrils, cause now he is so not hot. Yup John Bender was the man. I blame him for my bad boy addiction. hehe

MinnieRunner said...

Hmmm, as for me, Matt Damon or Nicolas Cage will do. But if I have a choice, I'll pick an NBA star :)

Tamara Dawn said...

Oh how I miss the 90's *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Oh, I loved Heathers! I used to watch that movie all the time!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Mmm, Robert Downey Jr. You forgot Johnny Depp circa 21 Jump Street!

Mimi N said...

Kristy, how could I forget Depp in 21 Jump Street? For some reason, I liked him differently back then.

Anastasia, I agree, the Judd nostrils were a bit...big. I have no idea where he's gone off to!

Thanks for posting my choice from the Past!

♥ Mimi

kt moxie said...

Thank you for the flashback!!! Christian Slater was my HUGE crush in high school. LOVED him in Heathers and Pump up the Volume!

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