Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Post-It Note Tuesday - Living With Her Special Needs

Only Parent Chronicles

It's Tuesday and you know what that means!

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Unknown said...

wow, those notes made me cry because I can totally relate to them

Alexis AKA MOM said...

OH sweetie I totally relate too. My son is pushing it with they hyper and ADHD. Then you have my mom who thinks and SAYS it's because it's something me or my husb is doing wrong. Some days I just want to put my head in the over :).


Mimi N said...

You know what? I grew up having ADD and not even knowing it because it wasn't really being diagnosed at the time. I know we struggle with interacting with people, but I know it will get better as she gets older. I still have social blunders when I think I'm being amusing and the other person is just looking at me like I have 2 heads.

I stopped lying and deceiving in my late teens. I became a Christian and that did wonders for every area of my life, but it's all still a struggle.

I know you know this, but it wasn't anything you did or are doing. It's in the brain and it's not anything you had control over. Now it's just a matter of guiding as much as you can.

You CAN do this!

♥ Mimi

Show Me Mama said...

How fun is this? I have to try it myself :) I am your follower.

adrienzgirl said...

You know I feel you on this one Momma. Two ADHD boys + One ADD Momma definitely = CRAZY LIFE

Unknown said...

Just like my son, who has his own world. But prayer is my greatest weapon.^^

Crisc said...

Great post it's ..Thanks for hosting =)

Anonymous said...

Sending you a big hug! It sounds like you're leaning on the only One who can get you through it already, and He will give us more than we can ask or imagine! (Ephesians 3:20) Hang in there. I'm sending prayers too.

Kim of Mo Betta said...

I wish I had some really encouraging words, but I don't. This is not an area I have any experience in. But I do have experience as a MOM, and go with your instincts, hang in there...I bet you're doing a GREAT job, even if it doesn't feel that way. Chocolate and Ativan will help too ;) Thanks for hosting with all you have on your plate!

Evonne said...

Mother guilt is never fun, but please don't blame yourself. Hugs!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

Sending you ((((Hugs))).

June said...

Hang in the Momma. It's rough but there is always hope. Keep the faith Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Lots of hugs for you today!

cfoxes33 said...

No matter what, parenting is hard work. Turning to Him is a great place to start!

Go Mommy said...

Hugs and prayers to you.

Kimberly said...

This post is so beautiful and poetic. I don't know your pain and struggles raising a child with special needs, but know that I think that you are a wonderful wonderful mom who would do anything for their child.

Danielle said...


Katina said...

I can totally related to your pain. My daughter has ADHD and I seem to oscilate from being exasperated by her condition to trying to control her behavior. Girl I keep telling myself that whatever I do, if I do it IN Love I can't go wrong. Sometimes, just leaving the room and praying to God is the most loving thing you can do for yourself and her! Have an awesome tuesday!

The Drama Mama said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Life is never boring, eh?

Babes Mami said...

lovins for you!

Shell said...

Hugs, my friend!

While my son's diagnosis is different, I get ya.

Anonymous said...

Oh My that was beautiful. I am sorry and I, too, will be thinking of you and your girl.

Johnnie said...

What an amazing prayer. Thanks for sharing this. Blessings...
Saved By Love Creations

mepsipax said...

Ah....so this is where the stickies come from.

Unknown said...

Ok my son is now 18. I went through heck and back trying to get him diagnosed. They kept saying ADHD and ODD. I kept saying they were wrong this was beyond that. He was 16 when he finally got the full diagnosis. He is bipolar, ODD, OCD, Generealized anxiety disorder along with Post traumatic stress disorder ( from being molested when he was young and 8 years of being misdiagnosed and a human guinea pig for the therapy place we started. Their overreaction to what was a NORMAL thing for a bipolar which they denied him as being, led them to call police and him go to jail for 3 months before being released to my mom) Oh yeah I nearly went to jail after we fought and got him out and the lawyer and counselors got in serious crap from the judge.
Prayign for you and her hun.. sometimes it is the only thing we have left.
I can honestly say in the last month my son has met God face to face and is totally turning around and making positive choices.

Nancy C said...

A gorgeous, heartfelt prayer. Adding my voice to the chorus lifted above.

Jenn said...

Lots of hugs and prayers coming your way. Hang in there, and cling to those that help make you stronger. It's how we get through the tough times. :)

Andrea said...


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