Sunday, July 18, 2010

Future Ex-Husbands - Cougar Style

A few years ago, pre-Justin Bieber, The Girl was bananas for a little movie called "High School Musical" 
At the time, I remember thinking to myself, that Troy kid is a cutey.  I don't remember boys looking like that when I was in high school. (My children have recently been going through my old year books and my suspicions have been confirmed.  Boys DIDN'T look like that.)

Fast forward a few years, and the young, yummy Zac Efron has become legal...  And HOTTER. (Who would have thunk it possible?) 

I feel considerably less creepy talking about his deliciousness now that he's in his 20's.  I hope you do, too.


Anonymous said...

He's cute...he just always looks like he spends a little too much time in front of the mirror.

Buffee said...

He's legal? That makes me feel so much better about thinking he's hot!

Unknown said...

umm yum can you pass a tissue I might have drooled just a lil bit lol

Andrea said...

Thanks for telling me he is legal ... but define legal for me. ;) I saw him on the cover of People recently and was like -- WOAH!?! What the what? :)

Unknown said...

Ohhhh he IS a hottie!! Wow!! Especially that second pic...whew! I've always loved a little waist on a man...and yes, being in his 20's, he's now a man!! I wonder if I can get my spouse to do few sit ups...???

adrienzgirl said...

I can't wait to see his new movie. Talk about looking YUMMY! Oh I have had some dirty thoughts!

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

He still seems teeny bopper to me. I need to get over that . . .

Holly Lefevre said...

Zac is darn cute! I tend to have a thing for Chace Crawford from Gossip Girl..he's dreamy and that makes me feel old...I am no cougar!

Danielle said...

Too pretty and young for me. Don't get me wrong though, I wouldn't throw him out of bed for eating crackers! :)

Tamara Dawn said...

Yum Yum

I'll take a side of that to go!

Shhhhh don't tell my hubs

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