Sunday, April 11, 2010

Four Great Reasons to Love the Twins

I am a baseball fan.  I have been since I was a little girl.  Growing up in a "Cubs family", naturally, I cheer for the Cubs.  My #1 baseball team, however, is the Minnesota Twins.  I remember as a child going to the Metrodome to see my Twinkies play.  Back in the days of Kent Hrbek, Kirby Puckett, Dan Gladden, Bert Blyleven, Greg Gagne...  I loved to go to Twins games.  I remember when they won the World Series in 1987.  My mom took us out of school that day to attend the rally at the dome.  Sooo much fun. 

Twins baseball is a lot different than it was when I was a kid.  They haven't won a championship since 1991.  Although they have been division champs many times in the last 19 years, they just can't seem to beat those damn Yankees... (That's a dirty word in my house.)

This year begins a new era for the Twins.  Target Field is bringing outdoor baseball back to Minnesota and I am so excited!!!  I understand that baseball can be boring for many women.  It isn't boring at all.  To entice you into watching, I have four very good reason to begin watching Twins baseball.  Even if it's only a little bit at a time.

Nick Blackburn #53 Pitcher
Nicky B. was called up to the bigs in September of 2007, where he began as a relief pitcher.
He worked his way into the starting rotation for the 2008 season and has won the title of my baseball boyfriend as well...  I'm sure his wife doesn't mind.

J.J. Hardy #27 Short Stop
Don't let the silly uniform on this boy fool you!  The Minnesota Twins acquired this yummy short stop in a trade for Carlos Gomez this season.  He has already hit 2 homeruns this regular season and we're only 1 series in!  He also has the same b-day as The Girl!

Justin Morneau #33 1st Base
This young man made his major league debut with the Twins in June 2003.  He has had the hearts of Minnesota girls swooning since.  While I have always been a HUGE Kent Hrbek fan (another 1st baseman), Justin is definitely easy on the eyes and is VERY good at his job.

Joe Mauer #7 Catcher
This hometown hero just signed a $184 million dollar contract that will keep his cute little butt here for another 8 years.  This contract was not only the biggest in history for a catcher, but the biggest in the history of the Twins.  This St. Paul boy has been an amazing contribution to the team AND he gets to live out his dreams by playing ball for the team he grew up watching.  Lucky boy.

Sadly, there is no Throwing Mike a Bone feature this week...  I just can't think of anything Twins related that would tickle a man's fancy.  Sorry...

Twins home opener is tomorrow at 3pm CST vs. the Red Sox!  Make sure you tune in.  The game has been sold out for months, but The Man and I are going to try to get scalped tickets.  Wish us luck...  Cheer for the BoSox if you like, but they haven't had any good eye candy since Johnny Damon sold his soul to the Devil.  And Big Poppy seems to be in a hitting slump.  I heart the BoSox, but not when they're playing my boys...


Yummy man pics courtesey of Google Images.


Unknown said...

Umm yeah I could watch baseball lol.. nooo problem

Dual Mom said...

I'm not a big baseball fan. Though I have to admit the year (1994?) the Blue Jays won the world series for the second year in a row .... yeah I watched that game.

June said...

Ward loves baseball... just put a baseball cap on the man and he becomes a "Boy". I have learned to love the game too.

I have enjoyed many games watching JJ, he has a great ass!

Brittany said...

May I add that I love this blog even more because of this post?!

I am a HUUUGGGEEE twins fan. Nick blackburn is my baseball boyfriend. The first game I watched him play live, was when he got nailed in the face when they played the yankees a few years back. I about cried.

Who doesnt love Mauer? Good choice to keep him, although I think the team will suffer in the future because of it. We just dont have the budget to afford to give one player 20% of it. If Justin has another all star season we might not be able to afford to keep him.. but we'll see.

I think once our boys get used to outdoor baseball and tweak a little bit I think we could be INCREDIBLE!

Can't wait for my first game in the stadium! :)

adrienzgirl said...

I ALWAYS love the catchers. WOWZERS...this one is no exception. HAWT!

Kat said...

My mom was the biggest baseball fan I ever knew. She was a diehard Indian's fan...I can totally understand your enthusiasm :)

Jane said...

I think more women would take an interest in baseball if the players were required to play without shirts (and the overweight male fans were required to keep theirs on).

KristinFilut said...

Soooo, I got tickets to Home Opener! Yay! The Man bought them for me! Sadly, he can't get out of work, so Miss Lucinda is gonna be my date! Woot! Go Twins!

Samantha said...

Yay for being a Twins fan!!! I was born & raised in Minnesota so I <3 the Twins and remember those championship years very well. I still have my Homer Hanky. I remember going to the welcome party at the dome after the '87 series win. I got stampeded by people when they opened the doors. My mom was one angry momma then hehe. But I remember how loud the dome was; It was amazing. Go Twins! ..... & I hate the Yankees.

Holy Hannah said...

Oh dear! I am totally digging your post picks. I am all over Joe Mauer. Oh do I love that man, ha has thighs that just won't quit and I love it.
~ Steph

Anonymous said...

I'm not a baseball fan (gasp), but I could totally watch Joe Mauer play just about anything.
Thinking I might have found a new love for the sport!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Yup. Those are some hotties for sure!! I guess a little baseball watching wouldnt kill me.

And Im sure there are lots of "twins" related things for guys to drool over! LOL

Danielle said...

Those are 4 darn good reasons to love that team!!!

Andrea said...

No idea how I missed this, seems like I'm just catching up after being in nowhere land. Anyway, I am a HUGE baseball fan, and I think I might have to catch a few Twins games this season. ;) Yum! So happy to hear about outdoors baseball coming back to MN. I've been to the "Dome" and it just didn't FEEL right. Yay for baseball!

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