Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Seriously!?!?! How Long Have You Been Using the Toilet?!?!

My kids do a lot of things.  Some are great, some are rotten, most are forgivable.  But honestly, there is one thing I just can't get over.

Flush the freaking toilet!!!!

Really, is it so difficult?!?!

I remember, years ago, when The Boy was potty training (truthfully, I don't remember much - BFF was my daycare provider and I think she potty trained both of the kids) he was afraid to flush the toilet.  The sound the toilet made was terrifying to him.  But really, at 10 1/2, I'm confident fear is not a factor any more.

Whenever I find the toilet in said condition, both children vehemently deny being the responsible party.  What do I have to do to get them to change this behavior?  Do I need to start hanging signs around the bathroom?  "Please remember to flush the toilet!"  Do they leave the toilet unflushed when they are at a friend's?

I remember when I was little, we had septic.  My dad had a saying that went, "If it's yellow, let it mellow.  If it's brown, flush it down." (You'll come to learn, Dad has lots of sayings.)  Gross!  I know!  But septic needs to be flushed, and dad thought that would limit the frequency in which he would have to call the septic guys.

WE DON'T HAVE SEPTIC!!  We are on a fully functional city sewer system!!! 

I guess I should feel fortunate that my kids aren't the type to throw things down the toilet, but really, they need to learn to flush.  It's disgusting and I can't stand it.  Argh...


KatBouska said...

Yeah that is gross...and it smells too...and it totally happens at my house ALL THE TIME!

KristinFilut said...

Doesn't it drive you nuts!?!?

Thanks so much for coming by!


Unknown said...

Oh, I have 3 boys and I feel your pain!!! They used to do that all the time and the denials they could come up with were pretty clever!

Stopping by from SITS!

KristinFilut said...

Thanks for stopping by, Dana! Glad to know there is hope for this nasty behavior changing!


Amanda {My Life Badly Written} said...

My son refuses to turn the light off in our toilet which alwo activates the fan. Drives me friggin crazy!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming my 30th follower!! I got you back!

KristinFilut said...

You were so persuasive, I couldn't resist! (Plus you're very funny!)


Kristen said...

I have totally left the toilet unflushed. Of course it was when J-bug was sleeping and there was no way I was gonna risk waking her up. No way.

KristinFilut said...

That's totally different! I would do that to when The Boy an d The Girl were small. This is just plain laziness on their part. The worst part is, it happened THREE times today! Grrr...

TOM said...

How funny! I think it's a boy thing..they are always in a rush!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Oh, that "saying" is GROSS!! I always flush. It's just gross not to. =)

Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

Mimi N said...

It's a boy thing, that's all I can tell you. My 10 1/2 yr old son and 6 1/2 yr old son are "NEVER" the culprit. It's always some peeing, non-toilet flushing phantom! My estranged husband's grandma STILL says that little chant. She does have septic and when the extended upon extended family visits her home, which uses lake water in the summer, we are instructed NOT to flush! On top of that, I will find toilet paper in the waste basket!!! EEWWWW

~Mimi from MBC Round Up

Jack and Alex Manning said...

Oy, it's such a boy thing! And I have two boys...

- Peryl (from MBC Round up) I'm here:, the login is just an old blog :).

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