Sunday, October 17, 2010

Future Ex-Husbands - The Men of Scotland

Today I'd like to welcome my IRL friend Holy Hannah from
Check out her eye candy selections for the day then head on over and tell her howdy.


The men of Scotland.

Tis’ a small island but lordy does it produce some good looking men!

Ewan McGregor

Gerard Butler

James McAvoy
(My personal favorite)

Young and Old Sean Connery


Anonymous said...

And the accent just makes it THAT much better. When I noticed this part of your blog, I had to catch up on reading all of them. Then started making my own list.

It's huge.

Apparently, I'm not that picky. :P

adrienzgirl said...


Andrea said...

Ahhh, thanks, lassies. :)

Diane said...

I've always had a thing for Sean and Gerard Butler just plain makes my wanter want. Now if you could just find a nice picture of him in a kilt, I'd be in heaven! ;)

Mimi N said...

Be still my heart. James McAvoy is my fave too. The fact that he's married to an older woman only makes me dig him even more. thump thump

Gerard Butler...if he didn't have such a potty mouth and wasn't such a womanizer he'd top my list. LOL I love bad boys, but he's a bit too bad! ♥


Losing Brownies said...

James McAvoy was in my dream last night! I love him!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Good choices, my dear, good choices!

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh! I heart Sundays. =)

That James McAvoy sure is a hottie!

Go Mommy said...

A little eye candy never hurts!

Shell said...

Gerald Butler. Swoon. said...

i'm going with Ewan on this one. MMMM.

Ducky said...


*swipes drool*


Keyboard shorted out....

Annette Kerr said...

Unfortunately these sexy Scots have left their homeland! =( And, sadly not ALL Scotsmen are quite so hunky! (more like chunky!! LOL)

My personal favourite is Gerald Butler! *swoon*

Stirlingshire, Scotland

June said...

Ewan is one of my favs... Loved him in Moulin Rouge

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