Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm Losin' It

So, I know I haven't been too reliable lately.  You don't see me around everyday.  I'm sorry.  I don't mean to lose touch, but I'm on a mission.  You see, sometime toward the end of the year, I stepped on my Wii Fit and my little Mii character ballooned.  It didn't make me too happy.  I looked back at my history, and over the last year, I have gained almost 20 pounds!!!  So, I did what any woman would do...  I hollered at my Wii and cried....  No, really, I joined in with some of my FAVORITE bishes and am doing the Lose It Bitches challenge!  My super good pal, ZGirl, over at Think Tank Momma put it together and it has caught on like a California wildfire!

As it sits, my total weight loss goal is 35 pounds.  I will be weighing in every Wednesday, with a baby step goal of 2 pounds a week.  I am down 1.3 pounds from last week (so my stupid Mii hasn't shrunk any - grrr), which is less than my goal, but I am not discouraged.  If I stick to my guns, and follow my own advice, I should be at my goal weight by the end of May...  By the end of May, I mean May 30, in case there was any confusion.

So, instead of having countless hours a day to devote to blogging, I have cut out 2 hours a day at least 3 days a week to hit the gym and slim my growing ass down!  If you'd like to join the challenge, head on over to Lose It Bitches!  You are not required to do anything but help yourself!!!  There are recipes, weightloss tips, and support from other people trying to make positive changes to their lifestyle!!!  Hopefully I will see you there!


Mike said...

Good luck with it. Love the picture.

jules said...

Sounds like a deal to me...

adrienzgirl said...

Go DreamWeaver! Go! Welcome to the PARTY! :D

Danielle said...

Already signed up sister. Here's to us!

Lee said...

WOO HOO!! But less blogging?? Are you serious?? Don't your fingers need exercise too??

June said...

Less blogging sucks but understand.
You are doing better than me, I think I gained a pound this week alone!!

Unknown said...

Just stopping by from LIB to give you some support! I hear ya about the Mii...mine puffed up a bit too this past year...not by much, but the goal from last year 4 more pounds...and the Wii said "nice of you stop by after 352 days....) oops!
So, hang in there and more power to ya!!

Ducky said...

We're going to PUMP YOU UP! (said with my bestest Arnold impression....and man do I have a good one!)

Andrea said...

You go, girlfriend! I totally was going to sign up, but felt like too much of a slacker. :)

Meg said...

You're doing great!!! I remember watching in horror as my Mii swelled up. It was mortifying. I still make hubby go sit somewhere else while I do my body tests.

Anonymous said...

note to self: get back on the wii.

Alicia said...

i can't wait to cheer you on through out your LIB journey! whoop whoop!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you!! I'm losing it too and wanted to shoot my Mii when I got on the Wii again . . .

Unknown said...

Good for you! They are a great group! You can do it!

Kat said...

You hang in there! You're doing fine! Progress is progress, no matter what!

gayle said...

I'm doing it too!! Not doing to good thouh!! Got to get are right less time on blogs and more time working out!!

Holly said...

you are too funny... 'slim my growing ass down'... i LOVE it... i have one of those too... i absolutely am going to visit the Lose It Bitches site... :-) good luck to you...

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