Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Meeting the Family?

New relationships are often blissful...

The Man (I know, not a very creative name.  Deal.)  and I have been spending a lot of time together.  I am completely smitten, and he has met my kids.  They are both HUGE fans.

The Man is divorced.  He has a son that lives in Colorado.  The son will be here on Friday.

My dad called yesterday.  He and my step-mom will also be here on Friday. 

I'm super excited to see my parents.  The Man is super excited to see his boy. 

This is where it gets scary.  The Man wants me to meet his son....And he would like to meet my folks.  Eeek!

Why so scary, you ask?  Because his son is only going to be here for 10 days.  I don't want to interupt the short period of time they have together.  The Man is sure he wants to integrate the two fams for the 10 day period as much as possible.  While I don't think it will be disastrous (far from it, actually), I'm just not sure.

As far as the "meeting the parents" thing goes - I'm totally comfortable with it. 

Okay, maybe not TOTALLY... 

We haven't really had any "relationship" talks.  While we did decide we were happy seeing only one another, we haven't really begun planning together.  Do you know what I mean?  Like, when we're making individual plans, we don't really check in with each other.  We just kinda spend time together if we have time or when it works out.  I actually can't think of a single time we've planned to do anything together in advance...

So I guess what I'm saying is, I don't really know that I see us as a couple.  And you don't really introduce your parents to someone you're just dating.  Does that make sense?

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, worrying about a whole lot of nothing.  I do know that I am totally comfortable talking to him about anything, so we will be talking this through.  Any words of wisdom or thoughts are welcome, as always.


Ducky said...

Oooh...I'm the first commentor this morning? I think I'll just wait to see what happens. No wonderful words of advice except maybe "Give 'em Hell Harry!" wait....wrong situation....

See?! No sleep = minute brain activity in Duck.


Mike said...

Well it all depends on if you want to take it to the next level of a committed relationship. If you do then you can talk and bring the families together. If not then don't and don't worry about it.

Since the Man wants to have all this family time together he may be seeing you differently than you are. A talk would definitely be in order once you decide what you want to avoid any future problems. Good luck with it.

Travis said...

Hell, I don't know.

I'm a dude. Iffen you're bangin me, you can meet my mom at any time.

Just don't tell her you're bangin me.

Tami G said...

I say - if you are serious about this guy - meet the son. If you are still on the fence with him - NO WAY should you be doing introductions. It's just too confusing and makes things more complicated if you choose not to date anymore.
You two need to take the beginning time to just get to know each other before adding others to the mix.
just my opinion....
BUT - if you think your ready to take it to the next level, then YES I think it's the prime opportunity to SEE if you are compatible. ya know....on other levels other than just between you and him.

You should read my blog about my new love!
only been dating since right before Thanksgiving and I'm telling you right now - I will marry this man. I have never been so happy!
(theres a part 1, 2 & 3)

Taylor Stoddard said...

I agree with what Mike said. Kinda sounds like The Man might be seeing things a little bit differently than you. I wouldn't let the 2 families meet unless you planned on taking things to the next level. (Especially with kids involved.) Just my opinion of course. Go with your instincts. :)

Liz Mays said...

I've never had that situation so I don't want to give advice, but follow your gut!

Unknown said...

I haven't dealt with this situation either, so I don't know that I should offer advice. I do agree, though--that if you're not thinking this is going somewhere, then don't do the whole meet & greet thing...

June said...

Maybe play it by ear and see how it goes... don't put any pressure on the situation and let the ball roll where it will.
Just thinkin' aloud here...

adrienzgirl said...

Well K, you said you haven't really planned anything. BUT, he did tell you he wants you to meet his kid, and that he wants to integrate the families spending as much time together as possible during his 10 day stay. Your kids have met him, they are huge fans.

Many guys have a hard time "labeling" a relationship, and just assume that if things are going well, no reason to "talk" about it.

Sounds to me like the ball is in your court babe. Time to decide if this is the real deal or not.

Anonymous said...

It's my first visit to your blog today after finding you at VodkaMom's blog. I noticed the bird at the header of your blog.... had just read an article on CNN about a girl from Hiroshima that did origami birds... what a coincidence to have found your blog about 5 minutes later. Here's the link on CNN if you want to read it too.. pretty neat!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Anonymous said...

Oh, and sometimes we need to listen to the little voice in the back of our heads that says 'no, don't do it... not time yet'.

If you are uncomfortable with all of this then by all means do not make any introductions or meet the son yet. He seems to be in a hurry.

The Blue Ridge Gal

ZenMom said...

This is my first visit here. No great words of wisdom I'm afraid. Just to trust your instincts.

Tracie said...

Hmmm. I'm late to chime in on this one so I'm sure you've already had the talk and/or done the meet-ups.

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