Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Because It Was So Much Fun... Stick 'Em Up!

Because it was so much fun the first time AND I have so much to say...


Menopausal New Mom said...

Oh, I'm in love with our DVR too. Without it I'd be back to fighting it out with the VCR and those horrible tapes. Yes, to the DVR inventor, a Big Hug!

Andrea said...

I might have to try out this post-it meme business. It looks fun. :)

I have a little bling for you at my place today!

Travis said...

Throat chops.

That's all I'm sayin.

You do it right, they can't even cry.


Yeah, I haven't forgotten that you said I was a baby.

adrienzgirl said...

Travis is a baby, and I would make love to my DVR if it wasn't truly inappropriate! But, we are having a love affair for sure!

Tattoos and Teething Rings said...

What was the world like before DVR? Who cares!

Mike said...

Pretty funny.

Unknown said...

I don't know what I would do without my DVR. Seriously. It's a lifesaver. I watch everything that way!

Liz Mays said...

I must be the only person in the free world without a DVR! I'm such a loser.

Just A Normal Mom said...

I do love my DVR! I'd never get to watch anything otherwise.

MindyMom said...

So with you on that last one!

Ducky said...

Damn... I didn't think I commented yesterday. Don't know how I missed you other than to say my head was unusally far up my ass....justsayin....

I cant' believe you didn't have a post it about lotion :O) 'Tis the season

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