Thursday, October 22, 2009

Boycott Thursdays

I hate Thursdays.  See that uber grumpy face on that otherwise adorable teddy bear?  That's my face on a Thursday morning. 
Don't get me wrong, Thursday has never really ever done anything to me.  I just really don't like it.  See, I bartend on Wednesday nights.  When I get home, it is generally around 2:00 a.m.  I need normally about another half hour to wind down, putting me in bed by 2:30.  My alarm goes off at 6:30.  Ugh.
The babysitter drops my kids and her son (Little Buddy) off at 7:00.  The Girl's BFF shows up around 7:05.  I get to make breakfast for 4 kids and have 3 of them to school by 8:20.  All I want to do is sleep.

Today, The Boy stayed home from school.  He and Little Buddy watched cartoons while my lazy arse slept on the couch.  The Boy even made lunch from Little Buddy and himself.  They woke me at 12:00 to take Little Buddy to school.  So here I sit, still in my jammies, a half a pot of coffee in me, telling you how much I hate Thursday.  Thanks for listening ;)


Mike said...

LOL. Great picture.

Liz Mays said...

I believe you! Thursdays are your Mondays.

Senorita said...

Thursdays have been wonderful for me, but then again, I am not in your predicament.

I hope you feel better soon. And please get some sleep.........

Ducky said...

Argh....any day that starts with such a little amount of sleep is a craptastic one!

Girl woke up at 2:30 this morning and finally went back to sleep at 4:15. My alarm goes off at 4:30...pointless to get back in bed for 15 minutes so I've been up since 2:30 this morning. I'm wondering why the hell I'm still awake... guess blogging is just that important!

Cheers for sweet sleep tonight!

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

For me, Tuesdays suck more than Thursdays, but either way, pretty terrible. Hooray for Friday.

Tracie said...

Any day without enough sleep is not a good one. (For me that is almost every day.)

Candice said...

You hate Thursdays?? That's so sacrilidge!

What about Suvivor? What about Grey's Anatomy? Real Housewives of Atlanta?

GASP!! ;)

Andrea said...

OK, I know I should focus on something else, but how cool is it that you bartend? I've always wanted to give that a go! Oh, and I thought I have been following you for ages, but -- oops -- I haven't, so I am now. ;)

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