Wednesday, October 28, 2009
And Then He Kissed Me...
Hahahahaha, when I was writing my post, this song came into my head and I had to provide the audio. So enjoy!
After much deliberation (and persuasion from the girls at work), I have been spending time with The Customer. (Yeah, I know, he needs a better name, but I got nothin'.) We spent the evening (I use the word loosely) together on both Friday and Saturday when I was done with work. Needless to say, I was sleep deprived. (I behaved! Pull your heads out of the gutter!) We also had drinks on Monday night and Tuesday night.
I'm kind of taken a bit off guard by him... He walks me to my car, opens doors, compliments me on my hair, my shoes, and my clothes. And Tuesday was the first time he even attempted to kiss me. So unlike most men. (I discovered he has 5 sisters... Hmmmmm....)
Last night, while we were out, we ran into some of my girlfriends. He was totally engaged in unprompted conversation with them. He even invited them (and me) out for his birthday celebration next weekend... I've never dated anyone that invited my girlfriends to hang out... Especially only after a few dates.
I have horseshit luck with men and have an innate ability to pick out the douchebags and losers. Needless to say, I plan on taking this VERY SLOW. (Especially since he is a patron at my place of employment.) But I think I really like this guy. He's funny and kind and he reminds me a lot of the man I married (the sober, un-narcissistic version that made me laugh hysterically and I really enjoyed spending time with). With the exception of having poor taste in favorite sporting teams, he seems too good to be true.... Here's hoping he's not!!!
All I can say is...ENJOY it! He sounds really great and I hope this is the start of something really nice for you :)
I think it's good to take it slow, but try to enjoy a good man, they are somewhat hard to come by!
i LOVE that he's treating you well, AND trying to get to know your friends, I'd say that is a very good start. Also, guys w/ sisters --- that CAN be a good thing!
This is TOTALLY how I get dressed EVERY DAY!
There is something to be said for a man with sisters.... I'm really excited to hear how things progress. Please, do share! And of course what's a good comment without a cliche?
Only Time Will Tell....
Oh! Was it a good kiss? Is he a good kisser? Cause that's important ya know....
LOL too funny. I was just thinking about this movie the other day. The Thor bit actually.
Taking it slow is always the best way to go since it allows you to see dangers signs. Good luck with him.
As a reformed chooser of douchebags and losers, I say SLOW IS GOOD! Go with it, have fun and remain 'cautiously optimistic'. :)
taking it slow is never a bad idea..hard to do sometimes but never a bad idea. Good luck!!!!
I'm glad you're enjoying the time you've been spending with him. I agree with everyone else in that going slow is a good idea.
He sounds like a keeper! I'll bet growing up with those sisters has made him a gentleman.
Just popping over from MBC again to see what's going on. The five sisters thing ... definitely a bonus! I'm quite certain that is why he is such a gentleman. Hope everything goes great! P.S. Dear Adventures in Babysitting, I dig your music. I dig it so much that I am quite certain I'll still be singing this catchy little tune until morning at least. ♫ Well, he walked up to me and he asked me if I wanted to dance. ♫
Oh! This is so exciting!
Keep going at a pace that feels right to you. (Go with your gut! :-> )
Lol, in my family, taste in sports teams trumps religion and culture as an important relationship foundation. My sister would have an easier time marrying a Martian than an Auburn fan!
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