Monday, September 21, 2009

A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place

In theory, everything should have a place. In reality, theory doesn't work so well for me. I long to have a home that would make even the Flylady jealous. (; She's amazing and gives step by step lists and tips to keep your house clean and organized. I just have a hell of a time staying on task.) Whenever I visit Baby Brother, I suffer intense pangs of jealousy because my amazing sister-in-law (Wonder Woman) keeps a spotless house (she's a SAHM of 4 boys). I wish I knew how she did it. On days like today, I kick myself for not getting on board.

In March, having lost my camera to The Girl's sticky fingers and inability to ask permission to use things, I had to buy a new camera for our Big Fat Family Roadtrip. After countless threats on her life, I thought for sure The Girl would leave this camera alone. No such luck. (I don't know why I'm always surprised.) So, I went to use my camera today. I was really excited to take a picture of the glass bead I made this weekend (Yes, I made it!!!), for a blog I was going to write. I had the bead all set up, ready to take the pictures and WTH! The camera is flashing, making beeping noises, and doing other nutty stuff!

ARGH!!! That Girl!!!!

The Girl, in her quest to play with all things that don't belong to her, has pushed buttons and changed settings and I don't know how to fix it!!! Now, if I, like the title says, had a place for everything and everything in its place, I would simply go get my instruction manual and fix the settings on the camera. Simple. No issues. Problem solved. But I don't.

I remember seeing the instruction manual recently. So now I sit and brainstorm about it's potential location. While I'm frustrated beyond belief with The Girl's inability to keep her paws off, I'm even more frustrated that despite my best intentions (Remember what Dad says about good intentions?) I have no idea in which pile, room, or drawer this desperately needed manual is in.

Ooooh..... Maybe I saw it in my closet.....


JaelCustomDesigns said...

Popping in from SITS! Welcome...

I am mommy to four children ages 13, 11, 9, and 20 months! Nothing is ever in it's correct place at my house! :-)

JaelCustomDesigns said...

I'm following you...

KristinFilut said...

Yay! Thank you, JCD!! My first follower! Im soooo excited! Lots of love!

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