Thursday, April 12, 2012


Life is full of events.

For each moment and for each event in my life, I always seem to have a soundtrack in my head.

I can think of countless moments that cue the perfect Rascal Flatts song. Dating all the way back to their second release, they have been recording songs that happen to meet me where I'm at. Their newest and 8th album, Changed, is no exception.

Like preceeding albums, this is a CD I am confident putting in with the kids listening along. Their three-part harmonies and catchy tunes make it easy to sing along, and the universal themes within the music make it easy to relate to each song!

Hurry Baby, the 8th track on the album tears especially on my heart strings. Having spent six years living in a different state from my fiance, I can relate to the plea for someone to be back home and by my side. It reminds me that every day since he has been home is a gift, and that I should be grateful he is finally here.

Currently on tour, the guys won't be in the Twin Cities until the end of August, but you can see when they'll be near you at!

**I was provided a copy of this album by One2One Network in exchange for my review. All opinions about Rascal Flatts, their music, and how it stirs me are 100% mine!


Adrienne said...

I definitley attach the seasons of life to songs.

Rebecca said...

love music and definitely think it can be a soundtrack to ones life

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