Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Post It Note Tuesday ~ It's Still Summer

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!
To make your own stickies,
click HERE.
Then come on back and link up below!


Kim Lehnhoff said...

I can't get stinky McLinky to work, it says I have no backlink (lies, I tell you, lies!).

Here 'tis: http://ratiooffailures.blogspot.com/2011/08/pint-083011-comment-verification.html

family of 4 on the move! said...

I can't use linky because it says I have no back link. I have the button with your link on it but still won't work.

Happy Tuesday all!


Anonymous said...

Ditto...says I have no backlink but I do :(

AutismWonderland said...

Whew...okay - I'm not alone. It won't allow me to add my link even though I have the back link in my blog.

This is my first Post it Note Tuesday and I LOVe the idea!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Me too, can't link. I thought all schools were already in session, you guys are starting late. They grow up so fast.


{Stephanie}The Drama Mama said...

Same issues here, but I'll hop around. I have a middle school kid this year too. I'm worried she's gonna sink before she learns how to swim.


Hanna said...

Same issue for me!


Rachel said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble as bad as that sounds. I was freaking out wondering what I did wrong! Lol. I'm glad summer is over, these kids need to be in school!


Salt said...

I can tell you by looking at my father that the correlation between gray hairs and preteens is absolutely 100% true. :)

AutismWonderland said...

Thanks for adding! Can't wait to read everyone's posts :)

Anti-Supermom said...

Most people that have met you would have a hard time believing you have middle schooler too...

you look way too young!

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