Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Post It Note Tuesday ~ Shameless Self-Promotion

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!
To make your own stickies,
click HERE.
Then come on back and link up below!


Rachel said...

Congratulations on the nomination!

Cari said...

Been a long time follower. I had no idea you lived in Minnesnowda, me too! Congrats on the nom, me too! All I can say is this crappy weather is encouraging my blogging (and drinking)-but I'd rather be outside!

Rebecca said...

cograts and these post it notes are too cute

NCSue said...

Hi there! Thank you for hosting. I’m a follower. I've also included a page on my site that lists blog hops for each day of the week, and this hop is listed there. Check under the header for the link to that page, and if you know of other great hops, please let me know!
I hope you’ll visit me soon and follow back!
Have a great week.

Ducky said...

*fist pump* I'm SO *VOTING* <typed in the same style as Charlie Sheen's WINNING but with much less SLEEZE....

Cheers to a less chaotic Tuesday. Hope you find some time to breathe today and I'm wishing you sunshine and warmer temperatures!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your nomination!! I'm totally voting. Hope that you are having a great week!! I hear you on hectic tuesday, hope that yours goes by fast, and easy.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Congratulations on the nomination. I just went over and voted for you!

Shell said...

Off to vote! Love you!

Hanna said...

We are in the middle of a cold snap here in Houston, but I'm loving it! Our heat is BRUTAL!!! Well, mostly the humidity is brutal!

Andrea said...

I voted! Can I vote every day? Or just once?

Dee said...

I voted for you yesterday!! Good luck!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting!!

Im your new follower now! Hope you follow me back too!

Mimi @ DeyiMizu Beauty Blog

Cara S. said...

I'm new here but love your little blog! And I am lininn up for SURE next week! So cute!

Dawn said...

Congrats on your nomination!!

Weather was nice here today... but they always say "If you don't like the weather, wait a day." I hope they aren't right! ...and I hope for warmer weather for you!

Anonymous said...

Voted, and linked up, albeit late!

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