Monday, May 2, 2011

In the Words of the Beatles, Life Goes On

It seems as though the last month has passed at a freakish pace.

I began a new, full-time job near the end of March. I was confident I was ready to take it on, just slipping it in to the unfilled space in my daytime hours. How different would life be? It's not like I had all sorts of things I was doing while the kids were at school.

Boy, was I mistaken!

As I write, I see FIVE baskets of clean laundry wrinkling before my very eyes. I know I should be folding them and getting them put away, but I can't seem to lift myself off of my rear to begin.

I look at my reader, and it seems as though I will never get through all of the posts I'd like to read. Let's not even talk about the pile of sort of started books on my bed-side table.

My DVR is bursting at the seams with shows I'd like to one day watch. My flower beds are filled with the remnants of fall. I know my blooming tulips are chastising me from their messy beds.


Yes, there is a but...

I have been to Illinois to visit Fave Cousin and her brood. I went back the following week to lay my beloved Grandma to rest. My children have had sleepovers the last two weekends, and I played cosmic bingo with my girl Dar and her daughter last weekend.

I am maintaining an A average in school. My new boss signed me up this week for insurance pre-licensing classes. Within the next year, my role will transition to recruiting and training! I'm excited.

Although Minnesota has been unnaturally cold this spring, I keep telling myself that summer is right around the corner. That means Glamour Girl's wedding and the Big Fat Family Roadtrip!

Although I feel like I am constantly falling behind, I am still taking time for the important things. Friends, family, and myself. There will always be laundry to fold. There will always be books to read.

Just like the Beatles said, "Ob-la-di Ob-la-da Life goes on!"


Unknown said...

OH how quickly we can look at all the things we haven't accomplished and forget the things we have. We are not promised tomorrow with anyone spend as much time as you can making good memories..

I Am Not Superwoman said...

"I am still taking time for the important things. Friends, family, and myself. There will always be laundry to fold. There will always be books to read." Amen to that. And I love the first comment about all the things we have done. We do need to give ourselves credit. I saw this tshirt once and always think of it when I get stressed out with all the "things" we need to accomplish in a day. It said "I'm up, out of bed and dressed. What more do you want?" LOL Have a great week!

Anti-Supermom said...

I like what the abovve comment says, it's easy to forget what we've accomplished, in the site of what we have yet.

Hang in there, and you are so right, summer better be *right* around the corner!

Ducky said...

I can often be heard mumbling that I wish there were just a few more hours in the day and its because I put aside things like laundry and dishes and 'big trip' grocery shopping. I believe there is a gift in everything if we look closely enough and I've found that within the gift of there being 'too much to do and not enough time' its given me the opportunity to really focus on what IS important and let the rest go.

And I'm going to hop on Anti-Supermom and say lets focus on what has been accomplished :o) Sometimes I make a TO DO list and just write all the things I've already done so I feel as though I've made progress *grin*

J-Tony said...

You should look around and be proud of the things you have done/accomplished. Spending time with your family. Maintaining an A average in school. Raising happy, healthy children. You're right. Life goes on. Keep on keeping on. You're doing great things even if it doesn't always feel like it.

Belle's Books said...

You are very wise to make time for the important things! Good luck with the insurance! I hope you do very well!

Unknown said...

That is one of my favorite songs. I am going to listen to it right now : )

Kimberly said...

That is the most important thing. Remember to nurture you ;)

Shell said...

Busy, busy girl!

Me, too- we just got back from Spring break and my head is spinning!

Anonymous said...

I dont even work and my house is totally thrashed!

I cant even remember the last time I felt caught up. The only thing I do accomplish is working out. That should tell you how vain I am, lol.

karen said...

And if you could see my gardens!!! Or, rather, the weed patches/dying everything else/rock pile someone dumped on my flowers earlier in the year ... eesh ... and I don't work. Of course, I am 70 years older than you and my kids are younger than yours, so ... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. It sounds like you are smelling the roses (even if they are in the neighbour's yard) which is all that your friends/family/valuable people will remember anyway.

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