Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Post It Note Tuesday ~ Picky Kids

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!
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Then come on back and link up below!


Rachel said...

Have a great week!

{Stephanie}The Drama Mama said...

Have a great week! I love your kids response! It sounds exactly like something Jellybean would say.

--The Drama Mama

adrienzgirl said...

I tell mine all the time "you're my favoritest whatever age they are child". I get the same response. I'm you're only (whatever age) child.


Bekah said...

Too funny! When my kids tell me I'm the best mom they've ever had, I tell them the same thing!

LeadingMama said...

I tell my kids they're my favorite boy and favorite girl. So far, they're buying it. :-)

Amethystmoon said...

very cute! leave it to kids to point that out, geez! Have a happy day!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

Lol hope you have a blessed week also.

Renegades said...

Have a great week and what a cute story.

Mrs. Match said...

Hehhe, I love how the kids called you out. Stinkers! Glad they are good to you!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Smart too! Have a great week and thanks for hosting.

Jill said...

Love this! My husband and I have both been married previously and we have a funny saying - "You're the best husband/wife I've ever had!" We laugh at ourselves all the time :)

Newest follower - Jill at JunkyVagabond

Skoots1moM said...

they're quick... :)

Andrea said...

Heh heh. Smart-alecks, those kids! ;) Too much.

Chie Wilks said...

hhehehe that was a cute conversation between u and ur kids..now i wish i have mine

April said...

Ha...that sounds like something my girls would say!

PBJdreamer said...


I used to tell my only daughter "You are my very best girl"

One day about age 4 she said "You are my very best mom"


that is all

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Tuesday Giggle!

Rebecca said...

sounds like kids to me

Babes Mami said...

My aunt always says 'You know I'm your favorite aunt!' and I tell her uhh duh you're my ONLY aunt!

Shell said...

LOL Tell them that also makes them the worst. ;)

Dawn said...

Haha! I *LOVE* it when kiddos have good comebacks!

Rebecca said...

This is such a cool idea!!! I'm so going to do this next week. I'm a new follower :)

TDM Wendy said...

We're the only kids you've ever had. How do they know for sure.
On an another note - come by my blog today - you'll like it!

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