Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Post-it Note Tuesday ~ Without Patience

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!
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Rachel said...

That sounds like an awesome weekend. Where do I sign up?

Queenie Jeannie said...

I hear you!! Whoever said "silence is golden" really had it RIGHT!!!! Hugs!

Rebecca said...

perfect weekend to me

Anonymous said...

I hate feelign like that! That's when being alone is the only answer. I hope you get that soon!

NCSue said...

Hi, and thank you for hosting. I’m following!

I've included a link to your hop on my site - there's a page devoted to hops for every day of the week. The link can be found just under the blog header.

Have a great week!


Amethystmoon said...

I've definitely had those, the key is to not challenge yourself to not let anyone know you're annoyed. :)

Amethystmoon said...

hahaha that should say TO challenge yourself, shows how good I am at it! LOL

Bekah said...

My MP3 player saves my sanity some days. Just plug in and ignore everyone!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have I ever? You bet I have and just wait until menopause hits....you will be so done!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya sister! I need a weekend alone too!

P.S. I think I finally fixed this email issue with blogger! Let me know :)

Losing Brownies said...

Ooh, I want a week like that too! Or just a weekend!

Ducky said...

Hmmm....sounds like you need a vacation! A L O N E! Now....just need to win the lottery. I'm working on that. Of course, I need to win after tomorrow *cheeser* Then I will have plenty to share for a wildly RELAXING (no that isn't an oxymoron) girls weekend for the Wonder Triplets.

J-Tony said...

It happens. Hang in there, this too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

I think that this kid free, man free time should occur in Reno.... =)

Anonymous said...

Do weekend like that really exist?

misguidedmommy said...

Ooooh I say this to my husband all the time. I don't want to cook dinner. I don't want to parent I don't wanna do ANYTHING I want to be a mom on strike. Uggg also I DON'T WANT TO PACK LUNCH TODAY

PBJdreamer said...

I spent Sunday alone and actually did enjoy it!


that is all

Anti-Supermom said...

And that is why I was at the gym 17 times last month... free child care, one hour of not listening to them.

I'm right there with you~

Dawn said...

Are you REALLY getting that?? HOW?!! :)

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