Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Post-It Note Tuesday ~ Guiding Principles

Only Parent Chronicles

To make your own stickies,
click HERE.

Then come on back and link up below!


Dawn said...

Really?? How in the WORLD did I make it in slot #1??? Normally I'm doing well to get it done ON Tuesday!! LOL

Kristin, I haven't ever sat and wrote down my guiding principles even though I think deep down I know what they are...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very interesting, I have never given my guiding principles a thought. I will have to try this.
Happy Pint Day and thanks for hosting.

The Drama Mama said...

This really does sound interesting. I like the idea of 10 Commandments of me too.

genny said...

first time to be here and i am so happy... i will try to post my guiding principle soon...:-)

genny said...

new follower too.,,,,,

Rebecca said...

loe the post it idea

Diane said...

I'll have to try that. Have a great day! :)

Kimberly said...

What a great idea. I think it would be hard to create since I don't really know what I want or what I need right now...but it never hurts to try right?

purejoy said...

i think the idea of actually sitting down to document what guides you is an incredibly important act. great idea. writing it down (haha) on my to do list.
thanks for the prompt and for hosting PINT

Michelle Pixie said...

I think my guiding principles haven't changed much over the years but it is a great idea to get them down. Something I can share with my daughters one day. :)

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

Happy Tuesday to you.

Lisa Noel said...

Thanks for hosting. You went all deep...I soooo did not! :)

Shell said...

I love your 10 commandments!

Anonymous said...

I checked out your 10 commandments and I love each one of them!

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