Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PINT ~ Tired Mama Tuesday

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!

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Unknown said...

nobody wants to go to shower either here Ha ha.

adrienzgirl said...

I still can't believe she shaved off half of each eyebrow. THAT is crazy!

Shengkay said...

happy PINT!

an award is wating for you..visit this..


Kimberly said...

Oh no! I don't trust myself with any sharp objects near my face. That's why I pay some one to do it ;)
Kids ;)

Crisc said...

Is she 10 or 11? I have this SAME EXACT problem with the shower thing here..lol

The Princess of Sarcasm said...

Showers are for sissies....and clean people...

Heather said...

Oh poor you. It must be hard to bite your tongue.

Lori said...

Oh boy, are you singing my song! My 17 year old is the same way with her hair and my 19 year old doesn't like showers. I don't get it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh no, that is not a good thing! I don't like to shower either but it's a must everyday. The joys of motherhood!

Kate said...

Oh geez...lots of love being sent your way!

Renegades said...

Oh my gosh not the eyebrows.

Mrs. Match said...

awww that reminds me of the Pistachio Prescription. You should have your daughter read it. The girl plucks off her eyebrows. hehehe! Poor girl.

Ian said...

You didn't seem to mind that I didn't shower in a few days the other night...

Di said...

Now aren't kids fun? :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I can't believe she did that to her hair and eyebrows! Sigh! kids!

Hang in there girl! {hugs}

Shell said...

Maybe she'll learn from it? Who knows!

I remember when my older brother shaved off his eyebrows. Oh. My. God. It was hilarious.

kt moxie said...

Don't worry. They grow back. Don't forget to take a picture so you can show her when she's 30.

Losing Brownies said...

I remember doing that when I was a kid. At least hair grows back!

Also, I was having issues with linky... I don't know if it's my issue or linky's.

Andrea said...

Ah, motherhood. It rocks, don't it? ;)

The Drama Mama said...

Ah man. That's rough. I especially hate the "I just took a shower" when it was a week ago! On one hand it's nice to know I'm not the only one dealing with this. Lots of hugs.

Johnnie said...

Oh my. Sounds like your hands are full. Thanks for hosting!

Saved By Love Creations

Adalita said...

The Linky isn't working for me: http://fattyfintoskinnyminnie.blogspot.com/2011/02/post-it-note-tuesday.html

Candice said...

Buy her a sharpie and tell her to draw them back on. I see women around here that do it quite often. Can't be any worse than shaved off eyebrows. ;)

Anonymous said...

Haha! How old is your daughter? My son is 12, and I swear I'm not cut out for this. Can we skip this teen part and go straight to the part where they realize we're not stupid and we actually DO love them?

Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

My sister, who is 31, actually has to put shower on her to-do list or she will forget to take one... well, that and I think she just likes the accomplishment of being able to cross something off the list... some people never change :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like my daughter!!!

Zabrina C said...

Hi I am a new follower, I was wondering if you could follow me back? Thanks so much!

Z's Space Reviews

DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

First my hubby and now you... since when did people start expecting you to shower daily?? Apparently I was never given the memo...
I am new follower but have always loved your Post it Tues on all the other blogs... I was just not savvy enough to find you through them. Silly I know, since your button brought me today.... I guess I never thought to ever click on it from the other blogs. I blame being blonde. SOOOO HAPPY TO FINALLY FOUND YA and follow~

Babes Mami said...

OH daughter! Such a strange idea, shaving off half of each eyebrow!

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