Friday, February 4, 2011

I'd Rather Be Napping... Or Getting a Massage

I'm gonna give it to you straight.

I'm tired. So very tired. Life has been full of ups and downs already this year and I'm not sure for how much longer my body can keep up.

The Girl is finishing her second week of the new "school". While I am not entirely sure how I feel about the kids she is currently spending her days with, I believe that this is currently the best option for her. Her language has become foul and she is full of sass. Maybe it's the school. Maybe it's pre-adolescence. Either way, I either need earplugs or duct tape...

I am completing my second week of school. While not overwhelmed with the content, I am frustrated with the language skills of the people I am participating with in discussion. Oy! It makes me sad to have so much of my blog reading time being taken up by people that have difficulty spelling their own names.

Monday I leave to go back to Florida. If any of you happen to live in southwest Florida and happen to LOVE cleaning, hit me up. I'm not too proud to accept help. Anyone that has mad wallpaper removal skills and wants to help paint should let me know, too! Heck! I'll buy the cocktails! My goal is to tear down wall paper, repaper, and paint two bathrooms. I also have to paint a kitchen, finishing sorting my grandma'a personal effects, change the doorknob on a closet door so we have a private storage area still in the home, buy some linens, and finish furnishing the home for my seasonal renters. Did I mention I am going alone?

Due to the constant chaos that is currently consuming my life, I am sad to say you will only be seeing me on Tuesday next week. Possibly even the week after that. On the bright side, The Frilly Coconut is currently hard at work revamping Only Parent Chronicles. I have seen the new header and am crazy excited to see what she come up with for everything else! She is wicked talented!

Until Tuesday....


Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

Wished I could help. Hang in there girl.

Anti-Supermom said...

I'm just wishing you some good luck/hang in there/good vibes!

And I see that you are going to BlogHer, I'd love to go again! I'll give you a shout if it's in the cards.

Diane said...

Hang in there! You'll get through it.

I'm dealing with the tween attitude over here too and the worst part is it's rubbing off on my 7 year old too!

June said...

Boo to sassy girls. You will need the earplugs when you rip the duct tape off...just sayin'

Wish I could take that trip to FL with you, really! I just don't think my measly part-time job boss would be really agreeable to another week off even if he can't afford me.

Tis the season of being tired and blah... ugh.

Missing you K.

Shell said...

Oh, girl. You need a nap!

I can't wait to see your new look!

Unknown said...

Swing on by and pick me up...I love to clean other people's places...just not my own!
Good luck...I hope it goes well!

Mrs. Match said...

You poor thing. As a previous sassy teen I can only sigh and say I'm sorry. I do wish I were in Florida. I love to clean, I just crank up the tunes and go to town. And I would love to remove wall paper if you're giving out cocktails!

Lori said...

Sorry you're going through so much. If I lived in Florida I'd totally help you paint and wallpaper. On the bright side, when it's all done and your blog is all redone, hopefully you'll get a second wind and re-energized.
Hope things get a little easier for you :-)

Anonymous said...

I would totally help you if I could.

Danielle said...

If I were in Fl. I would so help you!
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you! Good luck in Florida :)

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