As you may already know, the last few weeks have been very difficult for me. On top of all of the drama surrounding my daughter, I have been smacked head-on with the reality of my depression. While I am up each day at 5:45 a.m. readying my children for their days at school, once I've gotten them both to their destinations, I quickly crawl back into bed and sleep my day away.
I am not at all proud of this behavior. I know that the fact that I am able to sleep 6 hours a day and still get in another 8 - 9 hours each night should be alarming to me - and it is. I have resolved myself to making some changes. While I still slept 4 hours today, I DO have to bartend tonight. Going forward, I am resolving to only sleep late or nap on the days I have to work.
I know you're wondering what this has to do with the glorious sandwich above...
Lemme tell you...
On Tuesday, I had to run to The Man's work to pick up 2 of our hockey tickets for the night. Being I had slept the majority of the day away, I had not yet eaten. I decided to stop at the local McDonald's to get a Diet Coke (cuz there really isn't much that's better than fountain Diet Coke) to hold me over until I got back home.
That's when I saw it! Shining down at me like a beacon of love! A picture of the McRib sandwich with the ever so catchy tag line, "It's Back!"
I knew right then and there, I had to have one!
I ordered one glorious sandwich - without pickles (cuz pickles are cucumbers soaked in evil) - and could feel my body bursting with anticipation!
This, my friends, is how the McRib saved my life.
Thank goodness for the McRib. I haven't had one since they first came out! I know, I'm THAT old. As for all the sleeping, you'll get past this. I was there...for a long time. There are still days I want to go back to bed, like today, and skip work altogether for another 6 hours of sleep!
I don't get it. Everyone loves that damn sandwich and I think it's disgusting! It just tastes....fake??? I don't know how to describe it.
Anyway - I'm still glad it saved your life ;)
I will agree with you on the Fountain Diet Coke (well any Diet Coke really) and the pickles (blech) but the sandwich no way yucky!!! Hang in there depression is a tough beast but you will get through it!
I have never had one but it sounds like I may be hitting the drive through today!
Hope you are feeling better for real!
OH I lovethe Mcrib LOVE IT... all its nasty gooey BBQ goodness on that bun NOMNOMNOM..
Now about the depression. You WERE describing me. Hun I can tell you honestly that since I started taking my shake every morning and afternoon I have not been the same. Within a week the naps were GONE, I TRIED to lay down the other day cause it was such a rainy cold day and I COULDN'T lay there. This product has changed my life. I have never felt this Level, does that make sense. I mean I am happy, I can get sad and angry just not extremes.. which is so nice
See now I HAVE to go to McDonalds just to get one. I can't remember the last time I had a McRib in all there yummy goodness. I am so glad it saved your life I would miss you and your great post way to much.
the drive-up people at McDonalds know me and my large Diet Coke, wasn't it glorious when it was 1 buck?!
And the McRib, I saw they were back... I don't remember ever having one, but they do make me drool a little at the idea ;)
You better not be sleeping~
Oh yes, are you doing the 77Kids, Motherhood thing on the 15th?
I knew there had to be some purpose for those nasty things! Thanks be to McDonald's for saving my BBFF!!!
Well at least the McRib is good for something! Hope you continue to feel better. =)
Lmao! I was giggling like a school girl when I saw the commercial announcing that it was back!! I love me some McRib!! haha
And that's the cousin I know and love!
I hate pickles! I'm so glad the mc rib has saved you.
Good for you! I have never even tried one but I'm right there with ya on the fountain diet coke. I hate when I go to a restaurant and order a diet coke and they say, "is diet pepsi okay"? ..."Well, heck no!" :)
cucumbers soaked in evil! Best description EVER!
I prefer my evil soaked btw
I have been driving by the McRib billboard for two weeks so I'm confused as to why everyone is talking about it now. Its subliminal messages are taunting me.....glad it cheered you up, hope things get better from here!
Kinda gross looking, but I know there is joy in the return of this sammich. I'm glad it "saved" you somehow!
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