She picked up her pace as the restaurnat neared. A new excitement filled her. Although she knew there would be tears, she was excited to see the face of the woman she used to see daily all those years ago.
Entering the restaurant, she quickly scanned the lobby for that familiar face. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to be greeted by the voice that had haunted her dreams for so many years.
"Kara." he said. Standing next to Josh's mother was their best friend. She hadn't talked to him since he told her the news. She stared at him, confused. He was the last person she expected to see.
The years had been kind to him. He looked much like she remembered him. His curly blonde hair was cut short and professionally, almost disguising the playful look she remembered in his eyes. His boyish good looks remained and immediatey a comfortable smile spread across his face.
"I'm surprised you're here." he said. "Mrs. A swore you would be. I told her I would believe it when I saw you standing in front of me, and here you are."
"Eric." she said finally. "Mrs. A!" She leaned over and embraced her forever lost friend's mother.
Oh yes I can't wait to find out more! Her MIL was so kind to her, what a beautiful story. I read a poetry blog that did a book page at a time it was great, I think you should keep this going!!!
Hi - I wanted to let you know the Easy Lunchboxes kit I won from you arrived the other week. We love it and I use it almost daily. Thanks so much!
Did you ever write more to this? I really really want to know what happens. I'm hooked.
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