Sunday, July 4, 2010

Future Ex-Husbands ~ For the Love Of my Cuz

You may have heard me mention my Fave Cousin a time or two...  She rocks.  She lives entirely too far away (near Rockford, IL) and I miss her like CRAZY.  Anydon'tgettoseeherenough, every week after she reads my FEX posts, she sends me a text message or some other form of modern day message telling me who she would like to see featured.  This week's post is just for her.

Images of Christian Bale, Jason Statham, Eric Dane, and Reed Johnson found on Google Images.


Andrea said...

I <3 Fave Cousin and her fave guys! ;)

She came by for the Mike Rowe post, too sweet!

Mmmn, Jason Statham. Yum.

Kate said...

Oh my goodness. Perfection. Reed looks oh too good in Cubbie blue. Mmmmmm....I will leave you alone about this for a week or two while I secretly compile another few studs that make me blush. (Hey now! Even I can be made to turn a light shade of red!)
Love these hot bods and love you!!!

Buffee said...

I LOVE Christian Bale!

adrienzgirl said...

Jason Statham is sexy to the core. His abs make me wanna slap my momma! Whew!

Ducky said...

Do you have any idea how gloriously YUMMY that collage is when you click to make it bigger? I'm thinking I should hook my laptop up to the bigscreen TV for viewing.......sigh.................sigh..........sigh.......oh wait! Did I sigh yet?

Danielle said...

I will take one of each of them. Wow, that is hot!

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