Monday, July 19, 2010

Double Rainbow, All The Way

Think Tank Momma

Recently, there has been a lot of hate mongering in Blognia.  Someone has been running around spewing hate disguised as "love" and directing it towards people simply for the sake of being mean.  In the past, I have wriiten about community and the sense of togetherness I find with my bloggy neighbors.  Adrienzgirl has written about 3D friends vs. blogfriends and Princess of Sarcasm created the Blogfia as a way for bloggers to reach out for support when needed.
Yesterday, (in the morning, before my beloved Storm died a premature death) I happened to be perusing Twitter.  You see, I follow Nathan Fillion (I've loved him ever since he was Joey Buchanan). Mr. Fillion happened to be blowing up the tweetwaves RTing DRATW from around the globe.
What is DRATW, you ask?  Well, according to the Urban Dictionary, Double Rainbow is that which is:
•ecstatically wondrous

•joyfully amazing

•orgasmically blissful

So, what does that have to do with the quote on the button above?  The quote is from Nathan Fillion's twitter bio, and honestly, after chatting yesterday morning, Adrienzgirl and I thought it really captured the spirit of Blognia.  It truly does cost nothing to stop for a moment and say something nice on someone elses blog.  It costs even less to click the little red x in the upper right hand corner and say nothing at all if you have nothing nice to say.

Unless the "love" you're spreading is kind, keep it to yourself.  No one in Blognia wants to read hate being spewed across the interwebs.


adrienzgirl said...

And that's all I have to say about that!


It takes far more effort to be an asshole than to just be nice.

Dee said...

I've posted it up in my blog today! I forgot to write about it in my TWO blog post though! Sorry girl!

Tamara Dawn said...

Amen Bish!!

Now where can I get me some of that orgasmically blissful ectstatically wonderous luvin?

Nancy C said...

How true. Why look for trouble? People can be mean.

Andrea said...

Love it! :)

Kat said...

Amen to THAT! This is why I love you girls!! :)

Debbie said...

Well said. Not sure what the background is on this...but hate is just wrong!

Danielle said...

Shout it loud girl!! I soooo agree!

The Single Mothers Chronicles said...

Oh yikes I haven't seen any hate messages and I hope I don't either! My poor little self couldn't take it!!

Well said on the positivity angle!

ps thanks so much for visiting during Tiia's post!

jessalyn said...

i love this! luckily, i haven't experienced the hate either (unless i just haven't recognized through the disguise of love- i can be oblivious) but either way, i don't get why people waste their energy being negative & miserable....

Anti-Supermom said...

My blog is open to Anon comments - *most* of the time, they give me a good laugh, only occasionally do I feel rotten about something someone wrote.

An above commenter is totally right, it's just too much work to be mean ;)

Anonymous said...

Damn skippy!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I saw all that junk and it made me so sad. I don't know why we can't all just get along---and why the haters can't just click off. It's so silly.

Juliana said...

Amen to that and the ANON's out there!!

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