My friends, as you feast your eyes on the beautiful Future Ex-Husband I have chosen to grace today's post, I am at The Man's family Christmas in central Minnesota. Yep. I am meeting all of the aunts and uncles and cousins on his mom's side... Ugh. (Fortunately, the parents and the 5 sisters - yes, 5 sisters - live out of state. That's a trauma for another time.) So, send good thoughts my way...
Anywho - here he is, girls... The hottie o' the day....
Matt Long
Who is this Matt Long, you ask? How on Earth could you not have seen his beautiful baby face before? Well, rest at ease. I'm sure you have. After all, you've seen Ghost Rider, right? Well? He's the young Johnny Blaze - you know, Nic Cage's character?
I know, he looks like a young pup, doesn't he? Well, rest at ease, he will be turning 30 this year...
And as yummy as he looks clean cut, I might go out on a limb here and say he looks even more delicious with some scruff and longer hair.... Ahhhhh....
Don't worry guys, I didn't forget about you...
Here's the Throwing Mike a Bone segment for you! Enjoy!
wow...he is yummy eye candy! where has he been hiding and why is he not a mega super star?!
He is yummy!!!!!
I agree, I like the scruffy beard and longer hair.
Have fun Chicka with the family!!
Never saw him before. He IS a doll face.
The scruffy look does him better....otherwise he looks like he's 18. Geez! I'm not old enough to be a cougar!
Hope you're enjoying your weekend love! The BB girls miss you!
Hope you're having a blast!
Y to the U to the M.
Very YUM!!!
Thank you ;)
And sending warm thoughts your way for sure!
He is very cute, too bad he looks young enough to be my son.
I don't know how I found your blog, but I'm loving it, especially your future ex-husband's posts - rawr ;)!
Okay...the dude is cute, but he's like 10 years old! Come by I got an award for you cradle robber.
LOL thanks for thinking about me. No Eva just ads though.
I'm so delayed I haven't checked in for a while. He IS a cutie!
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