Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'll Show You Where You Can Stick It

It's Post-it Note Tuesday!  Which, unless you've never, ever spent a day in blogland, you already knew.  So click the button below to check out our ingenious hostess, SupahMommy, and get in on the action!!

Ok, gotta go bang my head on the wall.....


Anonymous said...

Loved your post-its! Especially the one about the growing ass! I'm there.

Lee said...

Save me some room in that cell...k??

adrienzgirl said...

I will find you some bail $$$$!

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

Ay yi yi! They sure can drive you to the brink!

Tattoos and Teething Rings said...

Ugh, I know that sometimes jail seems like a great alernative- free food, no cooking, no school/work schedules...

Andrea said...

Sorry I missed your b-day. Hope it was happy! How'd it go w. the man's fam? Do tell! Loved your notes. Wide-a$$, jail sounding good, what's a gym, again? Love it!

Tami G said...

Gotta GOTTA get my behind back in that gym!

Anonymous said...

I love these... ;)
Jail does sound good some days ;)

June said...

Lock yourself in the bathroom and run water for 10 minutes. There is no privacy in jail.

Ducky said...

Bang the man....not the wall...will probably feel a whole lot better :O)

Jen said...

Growing an ass and jail, two things I can so relate to.

Liz Mays said...

Isn't it crazy how the 30's feels like a tropical heat wave now?

Busymomsteph said...

Hi, stopping by from MBC. I love your post-its ! they are great. Especially the one to the kids. I can so relate!

Unknown said...

I loathe working out. I really do. But I'm always so glad after I'm done. And it's an hour break from my kids every time I go to Jazzercise. So really that should be more incentive for me, the fact that they have babysitting....gotta get my arse in gear!

Tracie said...

I was thinking that there would be plenty of time to read in jail. KWIM?

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