Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What to Do With All of That Candy?!?!

It's the final countdown to the greatest day of the year, according to me...  HALLOWEEN!!!!  Unfortunately, in the wake of the greatest holiday ever, I find myself at war.  With all of the loot candy the kids have collected, I find myself arguing and rationing acceptable daily allotments and often times bust The Girl for sneaking more than I feel she should have in a day.  Grrrrr...

This year, however, that will NOT be the case.  Why, you ask?  Because if there is one thing The Girl likes better than candy, it's MONEY!!!

It was brought to my attention early this week that there is a really SWEET program called Halloween Candy Buy Back.  This program buys candy from kids under the age of 12 for $1 a pound (up to 3#)!!!  How sweet is that!  In the Twin Cities area, where I live, Metro Dentalcare is hosting this program at 13 of their locations!  The buy back will run on Monday, November 2 from 4p.m. - 7p.m.  In addition to buying candy from your shorties, Metro Dentalcare will be giving out free toothbrushes, toothpaste, and educational materials to promote dental health! (Did you know that cavities are the most prevalent disease in American children today!!!  Yikes!)  The candy purchased by Metro Dentalcare will donated to three separate charities - Operation Gratitude, which sends care packages to soldiers serving overseas, Second Harvest Heartland, a local food bank that supplies food to food shelves in  Minnesota and Wisconsin, and The Harriet Tubman Center, a shelter in Minneapolis.

When looking into the national program, I discovered that dental offices around the country are doing the same thing on the same day and donating candy to very similar types of organizatons.  By going to http://www.metro-dentalcare.com/, you can find the 11 participating locations in the Twin Cities.  Or if you don't live in Minnesota (I know a lot of you don't), you can go to http://www.halloweencandybuyback.com/, enter your zip code and find a participating dentist near you!

I'm so excited for next Tuesday!  My kids and I will DEFINATELY be participating!  Maybe, finally the post-Halloween candy wars won't ravage my home!!!!!


Cameron said...

Halloween truly is one of the BEST holidays, you are SO right!!!

Single Mom Seeking said...

What a cool idea! I'm going to link to this tomorrow from singlemommyhood.com. Thanks!!

Nancy@ifevolutionworks.com said...

What a great idea!!! I'm usually the one eating all the candy. I'm not sure I can part with ALL of it, but I will definately look to see if there is a program around here.


Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

That's awesome. I am going to try it with my kids.

Senorita said...

That sounds like a great program ! I had so many cavities as a child. I still do.....

Liz Mays said...

That is a great program!!!

Ducky said...

That's an awesome idea. I hadn't heard of it before. Would've come in handy in a household of diabetics!

Tracie said...

See I thought you were going to say that you were buying the candy from your kids. This is even better! What an awesome program. I will check to see if my community is participating.

Girl Engineer said...

I actually buy the candy back from my kids (three boys) at 10 cents per piece of candy. A package of candy is considered a single piece - so large or small is still only 10 cents apiece. I end up minus about $20 at the most, and my kids don't eat all that sugar!

Emily said...

I'm sorry, but that is actually really stupid. If you don't want your kids to eat a lot of sugar, why don't you just not take your kids trick or treating or do a very minimal handful of houses? Candy is not cheap, an average family spends an upwards of $50-100 on candy for the neighborhood and you are just gonna give it away for $1? What a waste.

Emily said...

I'm sorry, but that is actually really stupid. If you don't want your kids to eat a lot of sugar, why don't you just not take your kids trick or treating or do a very minimal handful of houses? Candy is not cheap, an average family spends an upwards of $50-100 on candy for the neighborhood and you are just gonna give it away for $1? What a waste.

Anonymous said...

Try a dentist in minneapolis they did a great job for me.

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