Sunday, October 11, 2009

On the Mend

The Sickness is passing.  I must say, it's been a pain in my freaking butt.   I've been tired, lethargic, and completely non-productive.  My house looks like a war zone and I'm afraid to think of how long it is going to take to clean and get back on track.

Today was a huge disappointment, sportswise.  Ladies, I'm pretty sure you don't care, but I do.  For about 45 minutes tonight I had some serious insight into the male sports psyche.  The Patriots were playing in Denver this afternoon.  The Twins had a 6:00 (CST) ALDS game vs. the Yankees (dirty word in my home).  For a half an hour this afternoon , I was flipping back and forth between CBS and TBS to only be disappointed by both teams I love so well...

So, I know that Sundays usually consist of me making you privy to the men who reside on "The List".  While I have PLENTY of hotties to grace the bloggy pages with, however, I'm thinking today, not so much...  I'm currently sitting on the couch watching Fast Times at Ridgemont High. How funny do Judge Reinholdt (who names their kid Judge??), Jennifer Jason Leigh, Phoebe Cates, and Sean Penn look!!!  Did you remember that Forrest Whitaker is in that movie?  I had totally forgotten!  How about that sweet red track suit he's wearing!  Ewwww!!!!  Was there really a time that was considered attractive?

Anyway, tomorrow I hope to be back...  So sorry that I've allowed The Sickness to comandeer my life!  Cheers to you all and I will see you in the morning!


Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

Fast Times rules! That was THE movie of my generation.

Feel better.

Mike said...

Feel better.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon!
And OMG... Fast Times! Classic stuff there.
I totally forgot Foresst Whittaker was in that.
Too funny...


AHA - the yankees is a dirty word in this house too! DAMN YANKEES! does that count as 2 dirty words?

Danielle said...

Um, how about them Bronco's!!!
Sorry, Colorado gal here.

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