Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stella and Dot

I am a big fan of jewelry. Especially affordable jewelery. Unfortunately, it seems that the stuff I can afford appears to be poorly made and tarnishes or falls apart after a few wears.

I have been to plenty of in-home jewelery shows, and it seems as though much of what I find there is so much alike. So naturally, when I discovered Stella & Dot, I was thrilled with the unique and versatile selection!

Stella & Dot has been featured in Gossip Girl, In Style, and Lucky Magazine as well as on the wrists and necklines of today's hottest celebrities. I recently connected with Stella & Dot stylist Jennifer Giobres, and received this beautiful Olivia Pearl and Ribbon Necklace (ARV $44).

When I saw it on the website, I immediately fell in love with it. I have always loved pearls, but I feel kind of matronly wearing them. These pearls, twisted in ribbon, look and feel fresh and youthful.

I was also surprised by the size of the pearls! These are not tiny, delicate pearls. This necklace surpassed my expectations; the unique styling allows it to be worn with casual or dressy apparel.

But you want to know the best part? One lucky Only Parent Chronicles reader will win their choice of one of these three Stella & Dot pieces!

Stella & Dot Small Fringe Earrings (ARV $29)

Stella & Dot Revival Bracelet (ARV $34)


Stella & Dot Ava Cupchain Necklace (ARV $44)

To win: This giveaway is open to residents of the continental United States only. If your email address is not visible in your profile, you must leave it in your comments. To be eligible, you must publicly follow Only Parent Chronicles via Google Friend Connect. Winner must reply within 48 hours of notification or a new winner will be selected. Giveaway will be open from 9:00 am July 20, 2011 through 5:00pm July 27, 2011.

Mandatory entry: "Like" Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on Facebook.

Additional entries: Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

~ Follow @Kristin_OPC on Twitter. Leave your user name in comments.
~ Like Only Parent Chronicles on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name in comments.
~ Join the Only Parent Chronicles community on Blog Frog. Leave your Blog Frog user name in comments.
~ Start a disscussion in the Only Parent Chronicles Blog Frog Community.
~ Contribute to an existing disscussion in the Only Parent Chronicles Blog Frog Community.

I received one necklace free of charge for review purposes. I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are mine.


Losing Brownies said...

That necklace is awesome! I love the pearls!

Diane said...

I have yet to order any Stella & Dot jewelry but I'm on their site all the time. They have some really great looking jewelry!

I liked Jen on facebook.

slb3334 said...

I like on facebook.

coliebear said...

I liked on facebook (nicole lenz).

Kate said...

When you give away a FEX, I'll enter!

tara said...

i'm a follower and i like her on fb! i need that bracelet!!

tara said...

i follow you on twitter! @fabulousbutevil

Michelle said...

I like Jen on facebook as Michelle L

Michelle said...

I am following Kristin_OPC on twitter as blackbearpie

Michelle said...

I like only parent on facebook as Michelle Levine

Mindie said...

I like Jennifer on FB.

Mindie said...

I follow on Twitter (@mindiepack)

Anonymous said...

I follow you with gfc as Shilo Beedy and I like Jennifer Giobres on fb as Shilo Beedy

Anonymous said...

I Follow @Kristin_OPC on Twitter as @samsakara

Anonymous said...

I like Jennifer on FB as Blissful Bee Blogging
kristi.blackstone at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow Kristin on Twitter @missblissfulbee
kristi.blackstone at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like Only Parent Chronicles on Fb as Blissful Bee Blogging
kristi.blackstone at yahoo dot com

llinda29 said...

"Like" Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on Facebook.

llinda29 said...

Like Only Parent Chronicles on Facebook

Ducky said...

I liked Stella & Dot on facebook!

KowgirlsRule said...

I like Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on FB (Kristie Wright)

Babes Mami said...

Like her on fb as stephanie m
Smartinez03 at live dot com

Babes Mami said...

Like you on fb

Babes Mami said...

Foollowingyou on twitter as babesrockinmami

Babes Mami said...

Foollowingyou on twitter as babesrockinmami

Hoa said...

Liked Stella & Dot Independent Stylist~Jen Giobres on FB: Hoa Le


Hoa said...

Following @Kristin_OPC on Twitter @hle123.


Hoa said...

Liked Only Parent Chronicles on FB: Hoa Le


Unknown said...

I like her FB page!

leoandchelle at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Follow you on twitter (winey_mommy)

leoandchelle at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Like your fb page

Michelle German Garza

leoandchelle at yahoo dot com

Rebekah said...

I like Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on Facebook - Rebekah F.

miryfaye at

Rebekah said...

I follow @Kristin_OPC on Twitter - @letswinblog

miryfaye at

Rebekah said...

I joined Only Parent Chronicles community on Blog Frog - Rebekah

miryfaye at

kygirl said...

follow stella and dot on fb as charline stanley

Becca Ann said...

I like jennifer on fb.. becca Peters

Becca Ann said...

I follow on twitter as xxbeccaannxx

Becca Ann said...

I like on fb.. Becca Peters

Hotsnotty2 said...

"Like" Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

Hotsnotty2 said...

Liked you on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

Tonya Dean said...

I like Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on FB - Tonya Dean


Kathy P said...

like jg on facebook kathy l pease

Kathy P said...

like opc on facebook kathy l pease

Shari Klyn said...

I liked Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on Facebook.

Erica G said...

following via gfc
like them on fb
user: Acire ACerg
cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Erica G said...

following you on twitter
user: notenthused
cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

"Like" Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on Facebook - happi shopr. trinitygsd at yahoo dot ocm

Liz1961 said...

I follow Kristin_OPC on Twitter.


marcsgirl61 at gmail dot com

Liz1961 said...

I "like" Only Parent Chronicles on FB.

Liz Neal

marcsgirl61 at gmail dot com

Liz1961 said...

I joined you on Blog Frog.

Elizabeth N.

marcsgirl61 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on Facebook.

/\Heather/\ said...

I like Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on Facebook.
heatherpooh (hotmail)

Kimberley Meier said...

"Like" Jennifer Giobres, Stella & Dot Stylist on Facebook- Kimberley Rose Meier

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at yahoo dot com

Kimberley Meier said...

Follow @Kristin_OPC on Twitter- @MRSMEIER5627

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at yahoo dot com

Kimberley Meier said...

Like Only Parent Chronicles on Facebook- Kimberley Rose Meier

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at yahoo dot com

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