Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The 10 Commandments of Kristin

Years ago, after a long run of bad relationships, I made a list of dating non-negotioables. The list was comprised of deal breakers and things that were completely unacceptable (to me) in a partner. Over the years, the list has changed. Not much has come off, but things have definitely been added.

As I contemplate my direction in life, I think it is time to compile a list of non-negotiables in life. I think that in order to truly be a peace with myself, I need to identify what it is that has no place in my world.

After much thought, I have come up with the Ten Commandments of Kristin.

1. God before all else.

2. Live my life for me.

3. Rome wasn't built in a day.

4. Kids will be kids.

5. Don't blink.

6. Don't stay mad.

7. Everyone deserves love and kindness.

8. Find purpose in everything - big and small.

9. Make a difference.

10. Love yourself.


Dee said...

That's a pretty good list and a good idea! I've never thought of doing that!

MommyLovesStilettos said...

Love that list. I have a list as well, except it's really really really long. LOL. Yeah, all the bad shit made me picky ;)

Heidi said...

Looks like a winner of a list to me!

Have you read or heard of the book, "The Happiness Project"? The author also encourages choosing 10-12 personal commandments to live by to encourage your own pursuit of happiness.


I Am Not Superwoman said...

These are great! I also had one of those non nego lists for men. Have a great day!

Ian said...

#9 should be on everyone's list. Not necessarily for the grand scheme of things, but in any way possible. Daily.

Losing Brownies said...

I love your list.... can you explain the blinking one?

Ducky said...

#10 and #2 go hand in hand.... with out those we aren't in a place to do much good for others.

So much of our path is about attitude and perspective and making the most of what today gives us. Awesome list!

adrienzgirl said...

On this list, contemplate I must.

A list of my own, make I will.

PBJdreamer said...

Love the list.

Everyone does deserve love and kindness

happy sigh

that is all

Anonymous said...

Love it! Especially the don't blink. Gosh, it's so true. said...

All pretty great! I should try this. I wonder if I will be able to keep the list down to 10?

AiringMyLaundry said...

I really like this list!

Shell said...

Love it!

Adrienne said...

I love this. There are many non-negotiables for me too. Maybe I should make a LIST.

Venassa said...

That's a great list! I also love the idea of a list of dating non-negotiables. I think if I'm ever dating again I'm going to do that.

Jennifer Brummett said...

This is great I love it. I have some deal-breakers myself. But these are simply said and very practical. :)

Unknown said...

Excellent post, thank you so much for sharing, and thanks for stopping by Clan Carlson.

Unknown said...

This is an awesome list hun.. love it

J-Tony said...

It's a nice list, but (and not to sound above you or anyone else) I think that if you truly did # 1, that there would be no need for the others. In believing in Him, putting your faith in Him, and trusting in Him. You would Find Purpose. You would make a difference. You would Love yourself. You would not blink. You would be patient... Again, not trying to sound snarky. I enjoy following.

Babes Mami said...

This is a fabulous list!

gayle said...

Great list!

Ronnica said...

Number 3 is a good one...I can get impatient so quickly (ha!).

Queenie Jeannie said...

Awesome list!! Great job!

Andrea said...

Love the list, Mama. Catching up on posts today and had to read this before reading "Number one" ... :)

Michelle Pixie said...

I really, really love this! I may have to take you up on your challenge!!

Anonymous said...

What a nice list. I don't think many people take the time to figure out a list like this for themselves! I'm stopping by from SITS today -- congratulations on being in the spotlight! I'm embarassed to admit it, but I never really understood the phrase "only parent." I always lumped it together with "single parent." Of course I know the difference, but it wasn't until I read your description on SITS that I really separated the two in my mind.

One of my closest friends when I was little lost her father when she was 10. And I've always been amazed at how her mother pulled things together and raised two children after her husband passed. But I see now I did make the mistake of calling her a single parent. She wasn't. She was an only. And she was incredible.

Thank you for sharing your story with us. And congratulations on your day in the spotlight!

Gina said...

Well said!

Unknown said...

This is such a great list! I haven't been over to SITS in a couple of weeks and I am so glad that I came over today so I could meet you. What a blessing.

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