Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Post-It Note Tuesday - DENIED!

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!
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Casey said...

oh my goodness how awful that the school wont let you in. I hate that they look back on what happened in the past and not what is happening now

Kim Lehnhoff said...

Apply elsewhere, don't give up. Try a community college first, if there's one nearby. They have more lenient admission criteria. Do two years there (lots cheaper), then take that Associate degree and finish up at another school.

Try to find out the admissions criteria for other four year schools, so you can find one to go to after your required subjects are done.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!! Can you go somewhere else? Geez K, Im sorry.

Brie said...

Along what lines of mistakes did you make FIFTEEN YEARS ago that are so awful they won't let you in?!? RIDICULOUS.

Boo. :(

I'm supposed to start classes January 10th and I totally have yet to figure out this financial crap. Ugh!

Annette Kerr said...

Oh no! What a shame!! That's awful! What happened to giving people a second chance? What about making allowances for life experience and maturity! Hope you get your education back on track soon!...



Unknown said...

keep on trying dear, don't give up!

God will give what you want..

God Bless you!


Crisc said...

Ive been having the same type of problems w/ school right now..there's a;ways light at the end of the tunnel, keep your head up

MsNoireBerry said...

I totally feel and relate to your pain having been out of work for almost 2 years now!
Anyway...don't give up...find another school to go too. Did you ever consider doing school online...there are lots of good, accredited schools out there.
I actually prefer online to the actual classroom...can't picture myself in a classroom at this point!:-)
Keep pressing on until you reach your goals!

Dee said...

Sorry about the school thing boo! That sucks! Miss you!

Diane said...

Definitely try another school! Don't give up!

Renegades said...

Don't they realize that 15 years ago a lot of us were dumb kids and life has helped take that out of us?

Di said...

Keep applying to different schools! Don't give up! Those pell grants are good anywhere!

Evonne said...

That's crazy that something so long ago can effect what you want to do now. Is there anywhere else you can apply?

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

That sucks :-( Don't give up. I know you will find a school.

mommy_sammyk said...

Some schools are so ridiculous. Don't give up. You'll find a place to be learned. =)

Bethany said...

I think you will find a school that is even better than the one you applied for and then it will be their loss that they didn't take you. The past should be just that..the past...I hate when they forget that everyone was young and stupid once...even them..

Kimberly said...

You can always come to Canada and bartend for me ;) don't give up. Never give up and let that discourage you. You can do this. Its your dream and dreams? Never die.

The Drama Mama said...

If it's academic suspension, you can appeal to the school board. I know how you feel. I have similar problems, only I don't care anymore. :P

Good luck. Just because this door is closed doesn't mean another won't open. Trust God, He will give you the right direction.

Katina said...

Don't give up! God is amazing and can do exceedingly and abudantly more than we can EVER ask or IMAGINE! Believe that and turn it over to him. You will be amazed. (I know it sounds cliche-ish but it is true).

Keep on trying. Remember, faith is the evidence of things NOT seen but those that are hoped for.

Heather said...

My husband went through the same thing, I will be praying for you

Go Mommy said...

Sorry to hear that, I can't believe that happened! Is there other schools around or what about some courses online?

purejoy said...

whaaaa! what a bummer! i agree… apply to a local community college. oftentimes after "time served" with a good GPA will net you a ticket to where you really want to go. it might take some time, but it'll be worth it in the long run.
bartending will wear. you. out. good luck!

adrienzgirl said...

I can't believe they won't let you in. That's ridiculous! SERIOUSLY! Go somewhere else K. Even if you take courses online!

Unknown said...

OH no!!! No sad pandas, I'm so sorry. There has to be someplace else that you can go to, and echoing adrienzgirl - what about online? Good luck! I'm so sorry.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am so sorry to hear that. ((HUGS))

Heather Jones said...

I'm sorry college tuition and grant stuff is frustrating...I remember...

Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! I'm so sorry to hear this ((Hugs))

Maybe an unknown opportunity is headed your way. Sending positive thoughts xoxo

Andrea said...

Are you KIDDING me? Seriously? That is ridiculous. There has to be a way. There has to be somewhere you can go ... let me know if you need any help digging up info, resources, etc.

mCat said...

Crappy news! Hang in there

Anonymous said...

I think my husbands company is planning to hire a customer service/coordinator in Eagan. Do you want me to check?

Shell said...

Oh no, my friend. *Climbs out from under rock* I had no idea! :(

Jackie said...

I'm sorry to hear you are unable to attend the college .

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. That really sucks. I hope something works out. It has to.

Babes Mami said...

I'm so sorry. :[

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Hang in there and apply at another place.
That school will be sorry they did not accept you.
*Whispers* Well, I suppose they really won't but I hope I made you feel better?!

~Naila Moon


Unknown said...

Wow! That really stinks. Hate it when the past bites me in the butt!!!

Just found your blog and this meme. Too cool!

Sandra said...

Wow...really?...is there not some kind of board you could appeal this too?
That's ridiculous! Well let the children learn from this.
I'm so sorry, I really hope somehow, someway this decision gets overturned...

Anonymous said...

Which field are you trying to enter? You may want to try Western Governors University. It is an online non-profit. There are a lot of options and some colleges will let you in on a "probation" period to see if you will be a serious student.

Don't give up.

Alicia said...

oh no mamasita! what a bummer!! keep that head up, something WILL work out! big hugs to my lady :) xoxo

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