Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Do you ever have those spurts where your mojo goes out the window?  I'm in one now.  The kids got out of school on June 8th and I feel like this has been THE. WORST. SUMMER. EVER.  Since the last day of school, we have received in excess of 5 inches of rain!  It seems like it has been raining 4 out of 7 days each week!  Which means I am stuck inside with 3 kids (The Man's son is visiting for a month).

There were so many things I wanted to do this summer!  I wanted to find the almost 300 geocaches within 5 miles of my house, I wanted to take the kids to the local amusement park, I wanted to spend as many days as we could at the beach or the pool.  To date, we have found 5 geocaches near home and have done NONE of the other things!  In addition, the weather has prevented me from planting any annuals, and I didn't get any bulbs in for my beloved dahlias, which would be starting to bloom about now.  Instead, my flower bed is flourishing with weeds.

My mood is as soggy as my yard, but hopeful the sun will be coming out soon and drying it up.  This funk is making me not so fun and soon my beloved Great Dane may be the only one that can tolerate me.

Image found on Google Images.


adrienzgirl said...

You chicken! Bach! Bach! That's all I have to say about this post.

Shell said...

The rain makes it impossible to do much of anything. We haven't had a lot of it- but we've had unbearable heat. It's not like I can take the kids out in 105+.

Anne said...

I know, the rain WILL NOT END. It's like the flood, I feel like I need to build an ark or something :-)

Dee said...

I hope you get some sunshine too! I know exactly what you mean about being in a funk, that shit sucks!! Lol...

Unknown said...

We're having a ton of rain here, too, but I like it sometimes b/c it cools things down. I loathe the hot hot hot of summer....

Nancy C said...

Oh, you don't even want to see my garden. What a disaster. All it needs is a toilet planter.

Busted Kate said...

I'm so jealous of your rain, but I can see how it would put a cramp in the summer plans! I love geocaching, and what great skills to teach your kids! Hope it dries up soon :-)

Babes Mami said...

We haven't had much rain here but it's been averaging about 105 with the heat index and I can't take the baby out to play when it's hot so we've been indoors a lot. Sucks butt!

You may be getting that wake up tweet tomorrow!

Just A Normal Mom said...

Rain sucks. I know, I am from Seattle. How about a trip to the library or some museums? And don't laugh, but a poker game with the kids could be fun :)

Tamara Dawn said...

You keep sending all that crap my way. Knock it off! =)

June said...

I'm with Tamara... that shitty rain keeps coming from MN!
Hang tight Baby, the sun will come out soon.

Anonymous said...

At least I am not alone in my funk. We havent done anything fun either if that makes you feel better. Not even my dogs like me anymore. At least my cat still does. And Im sure its only cause she is just as bitchy as me.

Danielle said...

The sun will come out tomorrow, tomorrow, oh wait, that is just a song!
Hang in there girl.

MindyMom said...

The weather always effects my moods too. You'll snap out of it soon - the rain won't last forever!

Candice said...

I hate the blahs.

Oh, and what the heck is a geocache? I need to google apparently. ;)

ashley @ little miss momma said...

I'm with ya! this has been the coldest summer I can remember in a long time! certainly NOT beach weather! Turn that frown upside down, lol.

p.s. I also don't know what a geocache is--headed to google now

Anonymous said...

Thankfully, today is nice and the humidity left us. I can NOT stand the humidity.

Now I need to get outside soon!

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