Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Report Card Season

It's report card time again.  Generally, because of conferences, I know what to expect when the monsters bring their report cards home.  This year has been frustrating, however.

The Girl, as I have mentioned, has severe ADHD and is also diagnosed with ODD.  She has been on an IEP at school since the 1st grade and has been a part of the EBD program for the majority of her elementary career.  While I feel that these program have been beneficial in identifying how The Girl learns, I believe that over the last few years, she has grossly manipulated the program. 

It came to my attention mid-year that The Girl's para has been allowing her to dictate her work while the para writes it out for her.  I lost my fucking head was a bit upset by this and requested that it be put to an immediate stop.  In my mind, a 9 year-old 4th grader is still learning the fundamentals of reading and writing and should be fully accountable for writing out their own work.  In addition, I also learned that this para was coaching The Girl on how to complete portions of tests that were "too difficult for her".  This also pissed me right off put me out.  As far as I am concerned, the only way to determine if she "gets it" is to let her pass or fail on her own merit.  Mind you, I don't want to see my daughter fall flat on her face, I just want the school to be able to identify in what areas, if any, she requires extra help.

So, after these things were put to a stop, The Girl was put into a small break out group for 4th graders having difficulty with math.  Her Special Ed teacher thought that in addition to getting The Girl additional help in Math, it would be a great opportunity for building small group social skills.  I agreed and gave my approval for the break out group.  Initially, The Girl was coming home talking about the group and about how much better she was "getting math".  Intially.

I was made aware a few weeks ago that The Girl was no longer participating in this small group (and hadn't been for many weeks) because SHE didn't feel she needed it.  Ok, stay with me on this one...

I believe it is important for our children to take part in their education.  I believe it is important to empower our children and help them to identify what they need from their educators.  I believe it is important to give our children choices and allow them to make some decisions pertaining to their lives.  I also believe it is a parent's and an educator's responsibility to set limits on those choices and to help redirect those decisions when the decision is not benefitting the child.

Where am I going with this, you ask?

As I said in the beginning, it's report card time.  The Girl received a D- in math.  A D-.  It is the worst grade on her report card, in a subject she was to be receiving additional help in.  Help that SHE opted out of because "she didn't feel she needed it".  Where were her educators?  Why on Earth did they allow her to opt out of this break out group?  Why was I not made aware of her almost failing grade in this class when she decided she shouldn't participate in this break out group any longer? How on Earth are they setting her up for success when they can't even help her to be accountable for her education?

Her IEP follow-up and special education services re-evaluation meeting is this week.  You bet your ass better believe I will be bringing her report card with me...

image found thru Google Images


Dual Mom said...

Why? Because it's the path of least resistance, that's why. Oh I feel your pain. I've spent over 12 years battling the school "system" to ensure my son doesn't graduate from high school completely illiterate.

What 9 year old has the maturity to make life altering decisions?

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

Wow, what's up with a school that lets a 4th grader call the shots without informing the parent. A meeting is most definitely in order with teacher and principal.

Hang in there.

Ducky said...

Let me know if you need backup...even though I KNOW you don't. You're one badass motha...

This just blows me away! Of all the things I'd like to say I should probably just agree with Dual Mom up there and say its the path of least resistance. AHHHH MAzing....

June said...

*shaking head*
We wouldn't want her to have to work too hard, now would we? Or teach her appropriate social skills in a group?
Because than she might learn that she can really do it if pushed a little harder!!

Can you request a new Para?

Mike said...

Interesting to let the animals run the zoo. However I've heard this complaint from parents across the country. Good luck with it.

Unknown said...

Are you sure you don't live in KY. This sounds exactly like the hell I went through with my oldest and their adherence to his IEP.. umm yeah . I pulled him out at 16 and he got his GED which is HARDER to get then a diploma in this state on the FIRST try. Despite a principal who basically informed my child he was too stupid to do or be anything because of his disorders...

Anonymous said...

Geez. Thats just crazy! People are always complaining about our elementary school... I dont think they realize just how good they have it!

adrienzgirl said...

OMG! I would lose my mind and you know it! That is unacceptable! WTF? In what effing universe is it o.k. to allow a child, with or without learning disabilities and challenges, to opt out of a structured setting designed to help with an area where specialized attention is needed?

Holy Hannah said...

Good Luck during the IEP. I remember when my oldest monster was at the same school, they were going to give him less homework because it was hard for him. I said nope, he needs the same amount if not more and I think I got the "mean mom" stare. Whatever...eff them. Beat their asses!

April said...

Oh, how frustrating! I do not understand why the school isn't making this mandatory for her...if for no other reason, then they want better standardized test scores, right?
You've proven to be an excellent advocate for your daughter. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

I'd be PISSED OFF. I can't wait to hear what they say.

I hated math and did horribly in it when I was younger. My parents got me a tutor and I was never so grateful....

Danielle said...

Wow, I would have someones ass. Follow up for sure. It is those that give the rest a bad name.

Tracie said...

Sounds like something my kids' school would pull. Can't wait to hear what happens.

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