Last seen 3/15/10 in the grubby little hands of The Girl.
Since this remote went missing, I have been subjected to lazy asses that have no idea how to change channels manually whining, inability to view a DVR list, inability to set new programs to record, and regular complaints of there being "nothing to do". While I rarely utilize THIS particular remote (because I have my own in my bedroom!) I am expected to make it magically appear. In the meantime, I will continuously be kicking my monsters children out of my room, reminding them they may watch TV when they find their remote.
Important side note: Flash Forward begins again soon and is set to record on the TV with missing remote. There is a reward to anyone that has information leading to the recovery of said remote or can return it to my possession.
hahaha..but I do hope you find it. My Hub holds ours like a priceless piece of art.lol.
Don't you HATE when that happens. The remote going missing puts me into panic mode and I tear apart the house screaming at the kids to find it. I can't deal with the whining and will find that remote or replace it at any and all costs!
I LOVE "Flash Forward" and can't wait for it to be back on! My husband didn't watch the first episode, I convinced him he should watch the 2nd, and he was more hooked than I was! Great show! I hope you find the remote soon!!
Stopping by from SITS! Have a great day!
This might be great incentive for your kiddos to gets off their asses and clean something huh? Just a thought. Sooner or later its gonna suck enough that they find it.
It was boyfriend... he goes to people houses and steal remotes... at least they seem to disappear wherever he goes. I'm blaming him. I will tell him to return it. :)
Shall I fedex one to you?
holy crap woman, i have an extra, want me to send it your way?! lol...LOVE YOU! hope you had an awesome st patty's lover!
Isn't it funny that when we were young they didn't even have remotes. Now we can't figure the tv out with out them! :)
This happens to us often as well, and we also seem to lose our cordless phones with increasing frequency. I don't know if it's mostly the kids or my own mommy brain....
We've replaced so many remotes, teh cable company started charging us.
Here's how to find it: Go to the cable place and buy a new one. The old one will show up immediately. Not that I have experienced that. Ahem.
Oh my God! I could live without the remote, but seriously, to not be able to work my DVR would be a nightmare!
I would completely flip if I couldnt find my TiVo remote! I LOVE that thing. TiVo is the BEST invention EVER!!
Oh no! Did you check IN the couch? Ours tends to hide in there frequently.
I've torn apart entire rooms looking for the remote...after all, I'm sure that took less time than pushing the buttons myself!
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