Damn those house cleaning fairies, always slackin'!
I have attitude plus slob to deal with - Would really like to just shit can him.
Snow plowers are complete ASSHATS - the foot of my driveway is proof. And in the spring, half of the rocks from the road are scattered 12' into my front yard.
So woman, whatcha' got up your sleeve for Friday? I lurve surprises!!
When you get your girl to clean up her shit hole let me know. My step daughter informed her Dad last week that the reason she doesn't pick up her clothes is because she really doesn't like any of them and therefore doesn't care to take care of them (FYI they are all Hollister & Abercrombie) I nearly came unglued!
We finally got our tree down Saturday, thank GOD!
ps - I love your blog. I love that there is another single Mom out there that tries to juggle dating, kids, etc.
Thx for sending the -15 our way! Asshat....
Aunt flow is a bitch for me this month too!!! Good luck with that House Cleaning fairy!!
I'm with you on the x-box & on the -15!
winter and kids stuck inside SUCK IT!
When you get your kids to behave, let me know how you do it, and your son can be in his room with mine, he seems to like it there now.
When the Housecleaning Fairy comes your way, can you tell her to call me?
Damn those house cleaning fairies, always slackin'!
I have attitude plus slob to deal with - Would really like to just shit can him.
Snow plowers are complete ASSHATS - the foot of my driveway is proof. And in the spring, half of the rocks from the road are scattered 12' into my front yard.
So woman, whatcha' got up your sleeve for Friday? I lurve surprises!!
I'm glad it's not only my son who has an attitude that really sux these days. . . Loved your post its!
LMAO@the jiffy lube post it-how true is that!!!
really enjoyed your post its!
When you get your girl to clean up her shit hole let me know. My step daughter informed her Dad last week that the reason she doesn't pick up her clothes is because she really doesn't like any of them and therefore doesn't care to take care of them (FYI they are all Hollister & Abercrombie) I nearly came unglued!
We finally got our tree down Saturday, thank GOD!
ps - I love your blog. I love that there is another single Mom out there that tries to juggle dating, kids, etc.
Can I have the XBOX?
For just a little while?
Um....you are a MEAN MOMMA.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
yeah i'm so ready for the negative temps to be gone!
I like your note to The Girl, I may have to use that!
jiffy lube..
lol !
xoxoox supah
LMAO I always love these.
Oh I am with you on the Christmas tree..
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