Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone survived the the holidays.  I am counting down the days until the kids go back to school...  Monday can't come fast enough.

I want to apologize to everyone for being non-existant the last 2 weeks.  Once the monsters are back in school, I can't get back into my routine and you will be hearing from me a lot more.  Not just with posts, but in comments.  I so miss the witty posts you all put up and that daily dose of humor and reality really make my days! 

To my BB Chat friends - I am so grateful for you.  You ladies (and Travy G) rock my world! 


Anonymous said...

No worries on the posting...tis the season!!
Can't wait to have you back all regular like. Have missed you terribly, my special bloggy friend!
Happy New Year to you..
and yes, I can't wait until Trinity is back to school, even if it is only half days. LOL

Meg said...

Can't to have you back. My kids are home for another few weeks's summer here. Happy New Year!

Ducky said...

We'll be here when you come back! We all understand with the holidays and post holiday hoopla!

Looking forward to drooling over the next fex post! *winking panda*

Menopausal New Mom said...

Happy New Year to you! Looking forward to getting you back!

adrienzgirl said...

I need some hot piece of something to look at! :D That would make me a happy panda!

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