My head is stuffy, my eyeballs hurt. I've been coughing so hard I may have cracked a rib. My body aches and I have the cold sweats. Yesterday, after taking the kids to school, I went back to sleep until 1:00. Ugh!
I'm ready to be well. Everytime I sneeze, my head hurts worse. It's days like these (although I'm rarely sick) that make me miss having a partner in life. How I would love to have someone else to get up with the kids and get them off to school or run to pick them up at the end of the day. It would be nice to have a midday phone call asking how I'm feeling and if they should pick some dinner up on the way home so I didn't have to worry about getting any made. Even to have someone boil some water for tea or to bring me some medicine would be a luxury.
But it is just me. So right now the kids are finishing their breakfasts and in 15 short minutes I will be hopping into the car, still in my jammies, to take them to school. Then I will be coming home, taking some cold medicine, and promptly hopping back into bed, all the while praying that I feel like functioning by the time 3:00 rolls around.
Feel better and I hope this doesn't last much longer. Enjoy your bed rest!!
Hope you feel better soon!
I had it too, and I wouldn't have wished it on my worse enemy, so I am so sorry.
I am married (but getting divorced) and had no help through it. I consider myself a single mom since my daughter is not my husbands (long story, I met him after she was born). I have to say that I would rather do it alone, then to do it with someone alone.
I hope your feeling better soon. I had it last week, along with one of the kids. not fun.
Sad to hear. Feel better.
I hope you feel better soon. I hope that a nice friend calls you up out of the blue and offers you some hot tea or medicine.
Ugh, go get some rest and feel better!
Rest up and feel better soon!
Here is some symbolic tea. I'll get the kids off to school tomorrow.
Stay in bed and rest.
Well, it's the thought that counts...
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