Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Post-It Note Tuesday ~ The Count Down

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!
To make your own stickies,
click HERE.
Then come on back and link up below!


What's filling your schedule this week?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Post-It Note Tuesday - Sunday Driver

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!
To make your own stickies,
click HERE.
Then come on back and link up below!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Return of Post-It Note Tuesday!

Only Parent Chronicles

Happy Tuesday!
To make your own stickies,
click HERE.
Then come on back and link up below!

Once upon a time, this was a thriving space.
And on every Tuesday, thoughts, opinions, joys and rants were shared...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

July Is Blurry

Only Parent Chronicles

Summer is usually pretty chill around my house. 

The kids are reaching that age where they're really too old for daycare or day camp, but the idea of leaving them at home unsupervised all day makes Fear Factor seem like child's play.

Fortunately, because he works in a kitchen, my fiance is home for the better part of the day. Which is probably why, when I received an email from the youth group coordinator at church saying there were exchange students from Spain in need of host families for the month of July, I thought it sounded like a great idea.
Even Ming Ming thought I was crazy.
So on July 1, we welcomed a 16 year-old boy from Madrid into our home for one month.

Normally, this wouldn't be too much to take on, but this summer found us in the midst of wedding planning. And if that weren't enough, days before our Spanish friend arrived, my fiance and I made an offer on a house just a town away.

July came and went in a blur. We made sure our visitor saw all that the Twin Cities had to offer. We visited the Mall of America, saw multiple fire works displays, spent a day at the local amusement park, hit the beach, and many other fun, touristy things.

We sent him home on July 28, and quickly realized we had 3 days until our closing...


Having a house guest limited our ability to get much packing done in July, so the last few days of the month were a packing frenzy.

August found us adjusting to our new house...and scrambling to get our back-to-school lists out of the way. 

Dropping the kids of for their first day of school had me breathing a huge sigh of relief. Routine is near. There  is light at the end of the tunnel of chaos.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

You Did What?!?

Only Parent Chronicles


This year on my summer vacation... 

That phrase have been the jumping off point for many back-to-school essays. 

As the years go by, back-to-school means different things to everyone. 
For the mama putting her baby on the bus for the 1st day of Kindegarten, it's bitter sweet. 
Some mamas are sending their babies off to college, some to high school, some to middle school.

This year your baby may lose their first tooth, get their driver's license, or go to their first school dance; and we will all be right their as you write that post. 

But this week, it's about you.
We want to hear about what you did on your summer vacation!

So link up below today through the 11th and share your summer vacation tale!

P.S. I'll be back tomorrow with my summer essay!! Hope to see you here!

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